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Beckmen futures 2024b

Futures Barrel Tasting Shipped to You

Sep 14, 2024 Sep 28, 2024

Buy Tasting Kit

We are pleased to announce the return of our annu­al Futures pro­gram, where a selec­tion of top wines from the 2022 and 2023 vin­tages, which are still aging in bar­rel, are avail­able to taste and pre-order at dis­counts of up to 40%. We encour­age you to read the The Top 6 Things You Should Know about Our Futures Pro­gram.

Imag­ine buy­ing wines before they have even left the bar­rel, let alone hit the shelves of your favorite store! For two decades, we have been open­ing our cel­lar doors each fall, offer­ing a rare oppor­tu­ni­ty to taste our lim­it­ed pro­duc­tion red wines, as they patient­ly mature in oak barrels. 

If you can’t make it to the win­ery to taste our Futures wines, we’re offer­ing a lim­it­ed amount of tast­ing flight kits that can be shipped direct­ly to you.

You can either join Jeff Beck­men, our Sales Direc­tor, for a vir­tu­al Futures tast­ing on Zoom on Sep­tem­ber 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, or 29, or taste at your leisure while watch­ing a video of our Wine­mak­er, Steve Beck­men, tast­ing through the bar­rel sam­ples on a YouTube video (to be post­ed shortly). 

Your kit(s) will not be shipped until you have reg­is­tered for a vir­tu­al tast­ing or not­ed you will be tast­ing on your own. Please note when you would like to taste the wines, then pro­ceed with pur­chas­ing your kit(s).

You are then offered the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre-order these six wines dur­ing the Futures pre-sale which is open August through Sep­tem­ber 30th, 2024. The great­est ben­e­fit to cus­tomers who pre-order wines dur­ing the Futures pro­gram is the abil­i­ty to pur­chase these lim­it­ed pro­duc­tion wines at the low­est price that they will be offered, with dis­counts of up to 40%. Pre-order­ing dur­ing Futures guar­an­tees access to these low pro­duc­tion wines.

Each $75 tast­ing kit fee is refund­ed with the pur­chase of 12 total bot­tles of Futures wine. We require a three-bot­tle min­i­mum pre-order for each wine, and ground ship­ping is includ­ed on all wines if the total pre-order is 12+ bot­tles. The six wines will be bot­tled and released at dif­fer­ent stages between this fall and spring of next year, so as your pre-ordered wine becomes ready, you will be charged for your allotment.