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Blending Seminar

Jul 28, 2024 @ 1:00 PM

Our first ever blend­ing sem­i­nar will be held on Sun­day, July 28th at 1pm.

Join our Wine­mak­er and Assis­tant Wine­mak­er in the bar­rel room to taste through our cur­rent wine blends and learn how blends are cre­at­ed. You’ll then take on the chal­lenge of cre­at­ing your own wine blend using sin­gle vari­etal bar­rel samples.

Beckmen Purisima Vertical 2023 33
Futures event 2

Sep 14, 2024

Futures | Barrel Tastings & Pre-Ordering

SAVE THE DATE: Futures Tast­ing with Wine­mak­er Steve Beckmen

We are pleased to announce the return of our annu­al Futures pro­gram, where a selec­tion of top wines from the 2022 and 2023 vin­tages, which are still aging in bar­rel, are avail­able for pre-order at dis­counts of up to 40%. 

Full details for tast­ings and pre-order­ing will be announced soon.

Futures event 2

Sep 28, 2024

Futures | Barrel Tastings & Pre-Ordering

SAVE THE DATE: Futures Tast­ing with Wine­mak­er Steve Beck­men, Sep­tem­ber 28

We are pleased to announce the return of our annu­al Futures pro­gram, where a selec­tion of top wines from the 2022 and 2023 vin­tages, which are still aging in bar­rel, are avail­able for pre-order at dis­counts of up to 40%. 

Full details for tast­ings and pre-order­ing will be announced soon.