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Beckmen on Biodynamics: Part 1

Posted: Jun 29, 2022

We often explain that bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing is, organ­ic and then some.” To be more spe­cif­ic, bio­dy­nam­ic agri­cul­ture is a sys­tem designed to raise fruit in a state of nature. The fruit is treat­ed by human hands rather than cor­rect­ed with chem­i­cal sprays. Vines are pro­tect­ed with plant-based reme­dies, not poi­son. Farm­ing deci­sions are made with regard to nature’s rhythms. Farm­ing like this isn’t meant to be the most pro­duc­tive way, but if you care most about the fla­vor of your fruit, we believe that it is the best way. This is why farm­ers that con­sid­er qual­i­ty, not yield, are so attract­ed to bio­dy­nam­ic wis­dom. This is how we became believers. 

Beckmen pmv B8 angled winter
The consistent quality of fruit from the Purisima Mountain Vineyard is evidence that biodynamic agriculture is worth the effort.

Con­ven­tion­al farm­ing felt reac­tionary. You wait for some­thing to go wrong, and you fix it once it does. There is no sys­tem. Bio­dy­nam­ics are a sys­tem and one that pre­vents prob­lems by fos­ter­ing fer­tile, healthy vines through a reg­i­ment of nat­ur­al treatments. 

Steve Beck­men learned about bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing in the ear­ly 90s while vis­it­ing a friend in the Bay Area who was using the tech­niques on his back­yard hob­by farm. The farm was small but mighty. The plants were thriv­ing, but the com­plex, ardu­ous process of bio­dy­nam­ics seemed impos­si­ble to expand to the many acres of com­mer­cial vine­yards that Steve was farming. 

A few years lat­er, Steve met Châteauneuf-du-Pape pro­duc­er and bio­dy­nam­ic evan­ge­list Philippe Arme­nier. They would grow clos­er every year at a Cen­tral Coast fes­ti­val for Rhône wines and Rhône style pro­duc­ers. Back then, Beck­men Vine­yards was one of few Amer­i­can winer­ies that was even aware of bio­dy­nam­ics. Notic­ing that qual­i­ty-mind­ed pro­duc­ers were exper­i­ment­ing with these farm­ing tech­niques, Steve was intrigued. He want­ed to learn how he could make bio­dy­nam­ics work for his vine­yard, so he hired Arme­nier as a bio­dy­nam­ic con­sul­tant as he cau­tious­ly began the transition. 

Over the years, Phillippe’s pas­sion for bio­dy­nam­ics became infec­tious, and sev­er­al Amer­i­can pro­duc­ers began hir­ing him as a con­sul­tant, such as Opus One, Grigich Hills and Cayuse Vine­yards, among dozens of oth­ers. This ini­tial tight group of like-mind­ed pro­duc­ers got togeth­er to learn bio­dy­nam­ic phi­los­o­phy, prep mak­ing, and share sto­ries of suc­cess and fail­ure. Being on our own so far south of these oth­er pro­duc­ers, these group ses­sions allowed us to feel a part of a greater net­work and expand our knowl­edge of bio­dy­nam­ic farming.

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Biodynamics relies on a biodiverse farm and a reliable source of natural fertilizer.

Bio­dy­nam­ics at Beck­men began in 2002 by test­ing the new farm­ing prin­ci­ples on a young block of Syrah. This would go on to become our icon­ic Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard Block Six. In 2003, the block was thor­ough­ly farmed bio­dy­nam­i­cal­ly, and Steve noticed the results imme­di­ate­ly. The vines had a health­i­er look and a pow­er­ful ener­gy. 2003 Block Six Syrah is still a leg­endary vin­tage, and it was enough evi­dence to con­vince us that bio­dy­nam­ics were the best way forward.

Bio­dy­nam­ic con­ver­sion isn’t easy. In 2004, bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing was applied to 40 acres, and it would take two more years to apply it to all of the Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard. It would take anoth­er two years until the vine­yard was first cer­ti­fied in 2008. Philippe was there through­out the entire con­ver­sion. Phillippe was a bio­dy­nam­ic con­sul­tant for Beck­men Vine­yards for about 10 years in total. Over the course of a decade, he impart­ed a spe­cif­ic vision for agri­cul­ture on our win­ery: the idea of farm­ing as a holis­tic closed system.”

If bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing did­n’t work, we would­n’t do it. 

Every vin­tage, we strive to farm in a more holis­tic man­ner. A closed sys­tem is the bio­dy­nam­ic ide­al. Farm­ing like this means that you bring noth­ing exter­nal to the land. The fer­til­iz­er and vine­yard treat­ments are sourced from the farm itself. This pro­motes the idea of indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. There is no greater venue to express of a property’s sense of place (ter­roir) than a closed system.

The fer­til­iz­er and vine­yard treat­ments are sourced from the farm itself. In prac­tice, this is an enor­mous chal­lenge. The first leap of faith of bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing is to push aside the crutch of chem­i­cal fer­til­iz­ers. Doing so requires nat­ur­al fer­til­iz­er (manure), and lit­er­al­ly tons of it. Many bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ers source their dung from dairies, but the closed sys­tem farmer would have to house hun­dreds of cows on the farm itself rather than out­source the poop pro­duc­tion. While our ani­mal pop­u­la­tion has steadi­ly increased as we’ve attempt­ed to push fur­ther into closed sys­tem farm­ing, we don’t near­ly have a hun­dred cows. 

Instead, we con­vert our phys­i­cal com­post to com­post tea, allow­ing us to fer­til­ize over a hun­dred acres with only a few acres worth of manure from our cows, pigs, and chick­ens. Bio­dy­nam­ic teas and sprays are also pre­pared on the prop­er­ty from herbs that we farm our­selves or that grow nat­u­ral­ly. It took many years of steady improve­ment, but we are now real­iz­ing the ide­al of a closed sys­tem farm.

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We farm vineyards that you feel good spending time in.

Our vision is that of an inde­pen­dent farm with no exter­nal inputs. Our jour­ney towards becom­ing a closed sys­tem farm is a process that con­tin­ues every day. Every vin­tage we inch clos­er to real­iz­ing the dream of Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard becom­ing a total­ly self-con­tained ecosys­tem. The reward for our efforts are wines that are tru­ly of place. 

After this intro­duc­tion to our his­to­ry with bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing, future install­ments of Beck­men on Bio­dy­nam­ics will explore top­ics like Bio­dy­nam­ic Preps and Treat­ments, Home­opa­thy, and the Bio­dy­nam­ic Cal­en­dar in fur­ther detail. Sign up to get alerts on future install­ments of Beck­men on Biodynamics. 

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