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A work­ing vine­yard. A coun­try escape.

Beckmen2022 5197

Classic Country Charm

Based among the rolling moun­tains of the San­ta Ynez Val­ley, our red barn win­ery, tast­ing decks, and duck ponds set under vast Cal­i­forn­ian blue skies invite you to unwind in an idyl­lic wine coun­try, savor­ing our best wines. You can enjoy a tast­ing on our obser­va­tion decks over­look­ing the vine­yard and the duck ponds, or indulge in a pri­vate tour and tast­ing for a more inti­mate experience.

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Wine Tasting

5 Premier Wines for $30

Savor the moment with a seat­ed wine tast­ing on our cov­ered deck, where you can take in the stun­ning views of our vine­yard and pond. If you pre­fer an indoor set­ting, we invite you to reserve a seat at our tast­ing bar. We kind­ly request that chil­dren are includ­ed in your guest count and are super­vised at all times; please select the out­door option if you have chil­dren with you. While friend­ly dogs are wel­come, they must be leashed.

Reser­va­tions are rec­om­mend­ed. Max­i­mum par­ty size is 8 people.

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Enjoy wines by the bottle in a private gazebo

Escape to one of our pri­vate gaze­bos and enjoy our bot­tle ser­vice (wine tast­ing not avail­able at this loca­tion) over­look­ing stun­ning vine­yards and serene ponds. Bring your own food to savor with your wine as we don’t offer food for pur­chase. Come spend an unfor­get­table time in nature’s beau­ty. Chil­dren must be super­vised and dogs leashed. 

Reser­va­tions are rec­om­mend­ed. Your reser­va­tion will last for two hours.

For every two peo­ple, a min­i­mum of one bot­tle of wine must be pur­chased. To be enjoyed here and/​or tak­en home.

Beckmen2022 5671

Pondside Lounge

Enjoy wines by the bottle in a tranquil setting

Unwind on our cozy lounge fur­ni­ture nes­tled amidst our estate Caber­net Sauvi­gnon vines and over­look­ing the upper pond, while enjoy­ing a bot­tle of Beck­men wine (wine tast­ings not avail­able at this loca­tion). Bot­tle ser­vice is avail­able, and out­side food is wel­come. Chil­dren must be super­vised and dogs leashed.

Reser­va­tions are rec­om­mend­ed. Your reser­va­tion will last for two hours.

For every two peo­ple, a min­i­mum of one bot­tle of wine must be pur­chased. To be enjoyed here and/​or tak­en home.

Beckmen vineyards tour barrel room lr

Daily 11am Vineyard & Winery Tour

Embark on a walk­ing tour of our 40 acre estate farm. Mean­der through the grapevines as we describe our bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing prac­tices and step inside the win­ery and bar­rel rooms to dis­cov­er how we turn grapes into wine. The tour does not include wine; enjoy a tast­ing flight or wine by the bot­tle after the tour concludes.

Time: dai­ly at 11:00am
Dura­tion: 45 min­utes

$20 per person

Advanced reser­va­tions strong­ly appre­ci­at­ed. Please wear appro­pri­ate shoes (no stilet­tos allowed) as you will be walk­ing through uneven vine­yard ter­rain and a work­ing pro­duc­tion space.

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Private Tour & Wine Tasting

An Exclusive Experience to Explore Our Wines

Expe­ri­ence the beau­ty of our vine­yard and win­ery on a pri­vate walk­ing tour through our estate, fol­lowed by a cus­tom tast­ing flight in the pri­vate res­i­dence of Tom and Judy Beck­men. A gourmet cheese and char­cu­terie plat­ter is includ­ed, with a boxed lunch option also available.

Dura­tion: About 2 hours, longer if adding the lunch option

$125 per person. 

A $100 deposit is due upon time of booking.

Reser­va­tions are required with 72 hours advance notice. Max­i­mum par­ty size is 8 peo­ple.