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Beckmen Memberships

Discover the best of Beckmen.

Become a Member B ecome a Member

At Beckmen Vineyards, we’ve always focused on our traditional family values to produce estate-grown premium wines made in harmony with nature that reflect a sense of place. We do what we love to bring you wines that you’ll love time and time again.

We invite you to join our extended family by becoming a member. Members at Beckmen Vineyards receive exclusive access to the best small production wines in our portfolio as well as warm hospitality, personal touch, and a wide range of benefits.

  • Purisima

    • Receive 3 bot­tles per quarter

      2 dif­fer­ent reds and 1 white wine OR 3 dif­fer­ent reds

    • Aver­age quar­ter­ly release $130

      plus tax and shipping

    • 20% dis­count on wine purchases

    • Free wine tast­ing for 2 people

      4 vis­its per year

  • Inner Circle

    • Receive 6 bot­tles per quarter

      2 dif­fer­ent red wines, 3 bot­tles each

    • Aver­age quar­ter­ly release $285

      plus tax and shipping

    • 25% dis­count on wine purchases

    • Free wine tast­ing for 4 people

      4 vis­its per year

    • Free pri­vate wine tast­ing for 4 people

      once annu­al­ly after one year of Inner Cir­cle mem­ber­ship; reser­va­tions required

Steve beckmen winemaker barrel 15 5

Futures Pre-Sale

Barrel Tasting & Pre-Ordering with up to 40% off

Imag­ine buy­ing wines before they have even left the bar­rel, let alone hit the shelves of your favorite store! For two decades, we have been open­ing our cel­lar doors each fall, offer­ing a rare oppor­tu­ni­ty to taste our lim­it­ed pro­duc­tion red wines, as they patient­ly mature in oak bar­rels. We invite you to join us for a bar­rel tast­ing at our win­ery or pur­chase a tast­ing flight of bar­rel sam­ples to be shipped to your home for a vir­tu­al tast­ing, so you can sam­ple these exquis­ite wines before sub­mit­ting a pre-order at dis­counts of up to 40%.

We encour­age you to read the The Top 6 Things You Should Know about Our Futures Pro­gram.

Beckmen April Library Sale Img 5203

Library & Limited Production Wines

Expe­ri­ence exclu­sive access to our most cov­et­ed and rare wines before they’re avail­able to the pub­lic. As a mem­ber, you’ll have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sam­ple and pur­chase these excep­tion­al wines from our renowned estate vine­yards before they sell out. Enjoy addi­tion­al ben­e­fits through­out the year, such as library wines, spe­cial offers, com­pli­men­ta­ry tast­ings at our estate tast­ing room, and invi­ta­tions to exclu­sive events.

Con­tact us to view our cur­rent library list.


Winemaker Dinners

Indulge in an exclu­sive culi­nary expe­ri­ence with our Wine Club. Join us for inti­mate wine din­ners host­ed at the Beck­men fam­i­ly’s estate vine­yard home, fea­tur­ing mul­ti­ple cours­es of local­ly-sourced cui­sine expert­ly paired with our pre­mier wines by tal­ent­ed chefs. Guests will also have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sam­ple spe­cial wines from our library cel­lar and pur­chase bot­tles to take home.