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CMS Dry Jan 1ng

Discover 1NGREDIENT—a natural wine label from winemaker Steve Beckmen.
• Low RS (Dry)
• Zero Addi­tives
• Extend­ed Skin Con­tact
• Made Nat­u­ral­ly by Hand
• With­out Oak
• Amphora Aged
• Critically Acclaimed

Learn more about our 1NGREDIENT wines.

Use code DRYJAN15 for $15 flat rate ship­ping on orders con­tain­ing a ​“Dry” Jan­u­ary Trio (eli­gi­ble for non-mem­bers). Mem­ber­ship dis­counts will auto­mat­i­cal­ly apply at checkout.


2020 1NGREDIENT Viognier
A natural wine, fermented and aged on the skins for 10 months in amphora, then hand bottled and hand labelled. 

Beautiful golden, slightly hazy color with fascinating aromas and flavors of apricots, beeswax, honey covered oats, honeycomb, and citrus, the '20 1ngredient Viognier coats the pallet with an oily, round texture showing fine tannins and bright lifted acidity finishing clean with more stone fruits, honey, and honeydew melon. Fun, complex, and exciting right now, the wine should age beautifully for the next decade or more and perhaps even longer.

2019 1NGREDIENT Syrah
A natural wine, fermented and aged on the skins for 10 months in amphora. The wine was then hand crushed and aged for an additional 10 months in amphora before being hand bottled and hand labelled. 

The 2019 1NGREDIENT Syrah is arguably our finest effort from our 1NGREDIENT label. The wine is produced from Syrah Clone 174 grown in Block Six on Purisima Mountain Vineyard, which was harvested early for this wine, blended with 2.5% 2019 1NGREDIENT Viognier. The wine saw the same aging regiment as the 1NGREDIENT white wines with 10 months of skin contact in amphora followed by an additional year of the wine aging in amphora. As with all our 1NGREDIENT wines, the Syrah is cluster sorted then berry sorted, crushed and bottled by hand with no additives or preservatives. With only 13.5% alcohol, the 1NGREDIENT Syrah is a tremendous achievement from our winery crew.

The inaugural release of a 1NGREDIENT Syrah bottling is an amazing and complex wine. Floral, gamey, and spicy aromas wrap around a core of bright, fresh black cherry and plum. The wine is medium bodied and plush through the mid-palate with smooth tannins and acidity that carry the flavors to a long finish. There is a tremendous mineral side with the limestone and clay from the amphora creating a sensation of crushed wet rock. Amazingly clean, the 2019 1NGREDIENT Syrah has the potential to age 50+ years. Decanting is suggested over the next several years.

2020 1NGREDIENT Viognier
A natural wine, fermented and aged on the skins for 10 months in amphora, then hand bottled and hand labelled. 

Beautiful golden, slightly hazy color with fascinating aromas and flavors of apricots, beeswax, honey covered oats, honeycomb, and citrus, the '20 1ngredient Viognier coats the pallet with an oily, round texture showing fine tannins and bright lifted acidity finishing clean with more stone fruits, honey, and honeydew melon. Fun, complex, and exciting right now, the wine should age beautifully for the next decade or more and perhaps even longer.

Critic Reviews

  • Terroirist

    92 POINTS

    2020 1NGREDIENT Viognier

    Deep orange col­or. An invit­ing but also head-scratch­ing aro­mat­ic dis­play, with orange peel, hon­ey, shaved gin­ger, lemon drops, pineap­ple, white tea – fas­ci­nat­ing stuff. On the palate, this acid­i­ty is laser-focused, which becomes key in bal­anc­ing these com­plex tex­tur­al dynam­ics. Yel­low apples, lemons, pineap­ple, laced with salt­ed almonds, gin­ger, hon­ey­suck­le, with some min­er­al under­tones. Deli­cious, intrigu­ing, adven­tur­ous but clean, like a gate­way band into a unique genre, this wine has a ton to offer. Fer­ment­ed and aged on the skins in ampho­ra for 10 months.

  • Wine Enthusiast

    92 POINTS

    2020 1NGREDIENT Viognier

    Edi­tors’ Choice

    Made from Viog­nier aged in clay ampho­ra, with no added yeast or sul­fur, this is a unique and intrigu­ing bot­tling from Steve and Tom Beck­men. Hon­ey col­ored and cloudy in the glass, the nose offers apri­cot jam, stone and sub­dued pineap­ple aro­mas, lead­ing into a palate of man­go and chalk. — Matt Kettmann

  • Terroirist

    94 POINTS

    2019 1NGREDIENT Syrah

    Light pur­ple col­or. Wow, the nose is so flo­ral and breezy, like red cher­ries, pome­gran­ate and rose petals on a spring mead­ow. The earthy, savory, pep­pery vibes are delight­ful. On the palate, this sports dusty tan­nins and a crisp, nervy appeal. Tangy rasp­ber­ries and cur­rants, so pure and racy, light and crisp, yet there’s a lot of depth as well. Rose petals, vio­lets, earth, pep­per, sage, cre­osote, a lot going on here. There’s a stony, min­er­al essence and a post-rain high desert hike feel about this wine – a focused and sin­gu­lar Syrah. Aged 10 months on the skins and then an addi­tion­al year in amphora.

  • Wine Enthusiast

    91 POINTS

    2019 1NGREDIENT Syrah

    Edi­tors’ Choice

    This is a unique and com­pelling project, involv­ing just Syrah grapes, clay pots and noth­ing else. Aro­mas of cracked white and black pep­per spice up the tar­ry boy­sen­ber­ry core on the com­plex nose, while the palate shows a more can­died side, with straw­ber­ry and grape flavors.

  • Owen Bargreen

    90 POINTS

    2019 1NGREDIENT Syrah

    The 2019 Ingre­di­ent Syrah also saw ten months of skin con­tact, as a touch of Viog­nier (2.5%) was blend­ed in. The palate is soft, invit­ing and very nuanced. Red cher­ry can­dy, red licorice, white pep­per and smoky under­tones all com­bine nice­ly, as the smooth tex­ture adds to the enjoy­ment. Drink 2022 – 2029

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