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Video: 2018 Summer at our Vineyard & Winery

Posted: Sep 10, 2018

Late sum­mer is always an excit­ing time of year at the vine­yard and win­ery, as we begin to har­vest our 150 acres of grapevines and turn the grapes into wine. Our vine­yard crew will be hard at work, pick­ing all of the grapes by hand at night­time so the grapes can be deliv­ered to the win­ery cold, first thing in the morning.

We start­ed the 2018 har­vest by pro­cess­ing six tons of Sauvi­gnon Blanc on Sep­tem­ber 5th, about three weeks behind the past cou­ple of year’s ear­ly har­vests. This shift puts us back to the usu­al” har­vest start of mid-Sep­tem­ber. We’ll begin red wine pro­duc­tion at the end of Sep­tem­ber or begin­ning of Octo­ber, and due to the heavy yields this year, will be pro­cess­ing fruit well into the end of Octo­ber or even begin­ning of Novem­ber. Stay tuned!

Fol­low along with wine­mak­er Steve Beck­men as he describes what’s keep­ing him and the team busy in the late sum­mer months of 2018.

Click here to learn more about the four wines released this quar­ter and watch their indi­vid­ual wine­mak­er videos.

Want to see more? Check out the Beck­men YouTube chan­nel to view more videos from our win­ery and vine­yard, as well as videos about our new wine releases.

Our win­ery crush­pad is adja­cent to our tast­ing room, so when you vis­it our estate you’ll be able to see all of the wine­mak­ing in action! Fall is a won­der­ful time to vis­it our vine­yard, so we hope to see you soon.

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