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Q4 Lineup 3

2022 Fall Wine Release

Posted: Sep 22, 2022

We are releas­ing five new wines to our win­ery mem­bers this quar­ter, four of which are pro­duced in extreme­ly lim­it­ed quan­ti­ties and are only avail­able direct­ly from our Los Olivos win­ery. One of the new wines is usu­al­ly pro­duced in larg­er quan­ti­ties and is avail­able in dis­tri­b­u­tion across the country. 

The five wines are first shared exclu­sive­ly with our mem­bers and are then made avail­able to the gen­er­al pub­lic the fol­low­ing quar­ter. These excep­tion­al, small pro­duc­tion wines often sell out quick­ly, so join­ing will ensure your allotment. 

These are the five wines we released to our mem­bers in Novem­ber 2022

2021 Purisima Mountain Vineyard Viognier

2021 was a sen­sa­tion­al vin­tage for white grapes on Purisi­ma Moun­tain, and the Viog­nier shines bright­ly. Ini­tial­ly, the nose is packed with invit­ing aro­mas of lemon zest, jas­mine, and fresh­ly grat­ed gin­ger. After aer­a­tion, fleshi­er, mouth­wa­ter­ing notes of peach­es, can­died cit­rus, Asian pear, and laven­der emerge. The wine has great ener­gy and refresh­ing acid­i­ty, but its weight and rich con­cen­tra­tion bal­ance the bright­ness beau­ti­ful­ly. The pil­lowy tex­ture of this nec­tar flows into a long min­er­al fin­ish. This is a com­plete white wine with the struc­ture to con­tin­ue evolv­ing over the next 5 – 7 years.

Drink: 2022 — 2029 | 100 Cas­es Pro­duced | Bal­lard Canyon AVA

Retail: $40


2021 Santa Ynez Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 

The warm vin­tage has brought us a SYV Caber­net that is fir­ing right out of the gate. The fun nose tan­ta­lizes with aro­mas of cher­ry cor­dial, red cur­rant, and hibis­cus. The palate offers com­plex lay­ers of juicy dark berries, choco­late truf­fle, light tobac­co, and spruce tips. Fine tan­nins height­en the fla­vors but yield to a refresh­ing fin­ish of wild straw­ber­ry, licorice, and for­est dew. The fla­vors will con­tin­ue to inte­grate, evolve, and sur­prise for 15+ years, but it’s a gor­geous wine today.

Drink: 2022 — 2037 | 1.425 Cas­es Pro­duced | San­ta Ynez Val­ley AVA

Retail: $40


2020 PMV Syrah Block Six

This Block Six is a block­buster! A ripe vin­tage, the 2020 Block Six Syrah is loaded with juicy dark fruits and dark choco­late. Earth, pep­per, and min­er­al­i­ty also fea­ture on the nose and palate. The wine is round, ele­gant, and intense. Very fine tan­nins car­ry these enor­mous fla­vors through a per­sis­tent fin­ish. The 2020 is a clas­sic vin­tage of Block Six that reminds us of the excep­tion­al 2014 vin­tage, with a touch more acidity. 

Drink: 2022 — 2052 | 400 Cas­es Pro­duced | Bal­lard Canyon AVA

Retail: $80


2020 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon

2020 is a dra­mat­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent Caber­net vin­tage than we have expe­ri­enced in sev­er­al years, and the Estate Caber­net is already plush and invit­ing, with stur­dy tan­nins act­ing as a reminder of its youth. Wel­com­ing aro­mas of cedar, leather, dried herbs, and rasp­ber­ry jam flow into fla­vors of dark fruits, pome­gran­ate, and pie cher­ry. The live­ly tan­nins are well-inte­grat­ed and leave traces of cocoa pow­der and toast­ed sage on the palate. 

Drink: 2022 — 2045 | 430 Cas­es Pro­duced | Los Olivos AVA

Retail: $77


2019 EXP Cabernet Sauvignon

2019 was a stel­lar vin­tage for Caber­net, so we decid­ed to ded­i­cate some fruit to our reserve bot­tling, Thomas and Judith Beck­men Vine­yard Caber­net Sauvi­gnon. We also set aside a tiny bit of Estate Caber­net Sauvi­gnon to push bound­aries and make the longest aged Caber­net Sauvi­gnon in Beck­men Vine­yards his­to­ry. The results are a rich, ful­ly devel­oped Caber­net with warm aro­mas of red cur­rant, cas­sis, cher­ry, and tobac­co sup­port­ing pow­er­ful fla­vors of cher­ry, red cur­rant, choco­late. This will go down as an EXP release to remember!

Drink: 2022 — 2040 | 90 Cas­es Pro­duced | San­ta Ynez Val­ley AVA

Retail: $34

This wine is only avail­able to our EXP mem­bers. Please call 8056888664 ext. 210 to pur­chase or reg­is­ter for this upgrade.

Options for Quar­ter 4’s Delivery

We have two lev­els of mem­ber­ship to choose from. These are the wines includ­ed in each lev­el’s Quar­ter 4 (Fall) release:

  • Inner Cir­cle: 3 bot­tles of 2020 PMV Block Six Syrah + 3 bot­tles of 2020 Estate Caber­net Sauvignon
  • Purisi­ma Club: 1 bot­tle of 2021 PMV Viog­nier OR 1 bot­tle of 2020 San­ta Ynez Val­ley Caber­net Sauvi­gnon+ 1 bot­tle 2020 PMV Block Six Syrah + 1 bot­tle of 2020 Estate Caber­net Sauvi­gnon. Click here to learn more about our mem­ber­ship ben­e­fits and to join.

You can also browse our full list of avail­able wines here.

Shar­ing our wines for the first time after years of hard work and ded­i­ca­tion to mak­ing them is excit­ing. We hope you enjoy drink­ing these wines as much as we enjoyed craft­ing them!

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