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2016 Beckmen Futures Pre-Sale Begins

Posted: Aug 17, 2016

One time a year, we open our cel­lar doors and allow the pub­lic to taste and pre-order six wines that have not yet been released. This oppor­tu­ni­ty is called Futures”, as the wines will be released in the future, whether that’s a few months down the road or one year lat­er. Shar­ing sam­ples of our most exclu­sive new vin­tages with our cus­tomers can be nerve-wrack­ing, but it is also excit­ing to hear those first, unfil­tered respons­es to our young wines. We invite you to take part in this annu­al pro­gram, whether you attend a tast­ing in the Beck­men family’s pri­vate res­i­dence or sub­mit an order online. 


Why Participate?

Cus­tomers who pur­chase wines in the Futures pre-sale are guar­an­teed an allot­ted amount of wine; as soon as the wines are ready to be enjoyed, Futures cus­tomers will receive their wines. They’ll be able to enjoy the wines before our Wine Club mem­bers can, and before the wines reach any shop or restau­rant. Dur­ing the pre-sale, the wines are dis­count­ed by up to 34%, offer­ing you the largest dis­count avail­able all year. You can learn more about the his­to­ry of Futures here.

2016 Beckmen Futures Wines

The wines avail­able for pre-order in the 2016 Beck­men Futures are:

  • 2015 PMV Grenache Whole Clus­ter: $33, lim­it 3 bot­tles, released Jan­u­ary 2017
  • 2015 PMV Grenache: $33, lim­it 12 bot­tles, released April 2017
  • 2015 Estate Caber­net Sauvi­gnon: $42, lim­it 3 bot­tles, released April 2017
  • 2015 TLB: $42, lim­it 3 bot­tles, released July 2017
  • 2014 PMV Block Six Syrah: $42, lim­it 24 bot­tles, released Octo­ber 2016
  • 2014 Purisi­ma Red Wine: $66, lim­it 12 bot­tles, released Jan­u­ary 2017

Attending a Futures Tasting

We hope you’ll attend one of our Futures tast­ings, where you’ll be able to taste the six fea­tured wines and enjoy a gourmet cheese plate in the Beck­men family’s pri­vate res­i­dence. The tast­ings are lim­it­ed to 16 peo­ple per ses­sion and are held at 2:00pm on Thurs­days, Fri­days, and Sat­ur­days from August 18th – Sep­tem­ber 17th. There is a $25 per per­son tast­ing fee; should you place an order, the $25 is cred­it­ed back to you when your final Futures wine is released.

Placing a Futures Order

If you are unable to attend a tast­ing, you can place a Futures order start­ing August 18th.

Please email taylor@​beckmenvineyards.​com or call 8056888664 ext. 211 to request an order form. You will be charged a $25 hold­ing fee when you sub­mit your order, which will be cred­it­ed back to you when your final Futures wine is released.

The 2016 Beck­men Futures Pre-Sale ends at 11:59pm PST on Sep­tem­ber 30th.

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