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2018 Winter Wine Releases

Posted: Feb 1, 2018

Once a quar­ter, we release four new wines. The wines are first released to our Wine Club mem­bers at a dis­count­ed rate, and then to the gen­er­al pub­lic the fol­low­ing sea­son at the full price. Shar­ing our wines for the first time after the years of hard work and ded­i­ca­tion is excit­ing, and we hope you enjoy drink­ing them as much as we enjoyed craft­ing them!

We are hon­ored to announce our win­ter wine release of 2018:

2016 Purisima Mountain Vineyard Chardonnay

A live­li­er vin­tage, with a high­er per­cent­age of stain­less steel fer­ment­ed and aged Chardon­nay, the 2016 Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard Chardon­nay has lift­ed aro­mas of lemon blos­som, apple, and wet stone. On the palate the wine is perky and juicy yet round with fla­vors of min­er­al, apple, spice, and cit­rus fruits. Drink 20182024. Down­load Tech­ni­cal Wine­mak­ing Notes

2016 Santa Ynez Valley Cabernet Sauvignon

A blend of Win­ery Estate fruit and fruit pur­chased from the hill­side vine­yards around Los Olivos, the 2016 San­ta Ynez Val­ley Caber­net Sauvi­gnon is deli­cious! Aro­mas and fla­vors of vanil­la, cas­sis, toast­ed herbs, cher­ry and cedar cre­ate a seduc­tive wine. Full bod­ied and round, the ample ripeness of the wine is bal­anced by great acid­i­ty, mak­ing the wine approach­able now but giv­ing it the abil­i­ty to eas­i­ly age 1520 years. Drink 20182028. Down­load Tech­ni­cal Wine­mak­ing Notes

2016 Purisima Mountain Vineyard Grenache Whole Cluster

2016 was an incred­i­ble Grenache vin­tage! The 2016 Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard Whole Clus­ter Grenache is full and rich, yet still won­der­ful­ly aro­mat­ic, com­plex, and ele­gant. The stem inclu­sion adds spice, pep­per, and for­est floor aro­mas and fla­vors to the intense­ly con­cen­trat­ed notes of rasp­ber­ry and blue­ber­ry fruits, all while adding a lay­er of struc­ture to the fin­ish of the wine. Drink 20182028. Down­load Tech­ni­cal Wine­mak­ing Notes

2016 Purisima Mountain Vineyard Clone #1 Syrah

Our first Syrah release for the 2016 vin­tage, the 2016 Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard Clone #1 Syrah is drink­ing beau­ti­ful­ly upon release. Clas­sic Clone #1 aro­mas and fla­vors of smoke, espres­so roast, game, and black­ber­ry fruits are abun­dant in this vin­tage. The wine is full, rich, and round with great tex­ture, bal­anced acid­i­ty, and a long fin­ish. Once again a ter­rif­ic vin­tage of Clone #1 Syrah! Drink 20182030. Down­load Tech­ni­cal Wine­mak­ing Notes

Click here to watch what we’re up to in the vine­yard and win­ery dur­ing the win­ter of 2018.

Want to see more? Check out the Beck­men YouTube chan­nel to view more videos from our win­ery and vine­yard, as well as videos about our new wine releases.

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