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Beckmen 2017 pmv syrah HR

2019 Summer Releases

Posted: Sep 14, 2019

We release four new wines every quar­ter, three of which are pro­duced in extreme­ly lim­it­ed quan­ti­ties and only avail­able direct­ly from our Los Olivos win­ery. The wines are first shared with our Wine Club mem­bers, and then avail­able to the gen­er­al pub­lic the fol­low­ing quar­ter. These excep­tion­al, small pro­duc­tion wines often sell out quick­ly, so join­ing our Wine Club ensures you’ll be able to savor these hand­craft­ed wines and order more to enjoy in the years to come.

Shar­ing our wines for the first time after the years of hard work and ded­i­ca­tion to mak­ing them is excit­ing. We hope you enjoy drink­ing these wines as much as we enjoyed craft­ing them! These are the four wines we released in Sep­tem­ber 2019.

2018 Purisima Mountain Vineyard Grenache Blanc

Picked at low­er sug­ars than pre­vi­ous vin­tages, the 2018 vin­tage is fresh and invit­ing with bright can­died lemon, orange blos­som, and spice aro­mat­ics. The mouth is filled with more lemon-lime, cit­rus, and spice fla­vors with a round­ed tex­ture and a juicy fin­ish with vibrant acid­i­ty. A new style for this wine ver­sus pre­vi­ous vintages. 

  • Drink: 2019 — 2022
  • Cas­es Pro­duced: 175
  • AVA: Bal­lard Canyon


2017 PMV Whole Cluster Grenache

We love this wine; the stem inclu­sion helps to bring addi­tion­al bal­ance and com­plex­i­ty to this 100% Grenache wine. The Whole Clus­ter Grenache shows ripe aro­mas and fla­vors of pome­gran­ate, rasp­ber­ry, spice, pep­per, for­est floor, and black cher­ry. The tex­ture is very invit­ing and warm, the struc­ture and tan­nins are gen­er­ous and soft. Drink this epic vin­tage of PMV Grenache Whole Clus­ter now through 2035

  • Drink: 2019 — 2035
  • Cas­es Pro­duced: 375
  • AVA: Bal­lard Canyon


2017 PMV Syrah

Anoth­er epic vin­tage of PMV Syrah, the 2017 is a lit­tle more lin­ear than the 2016 with gor­geous aro­mas and fla­vors of black­ber­ry fruit, game, pep­per, choco­late, and smoke. A slight­ly cool­er vin­tage over­all, the wine has great acid­i­ty and bal­ance to go along with its beau­ti­ful tex­ture and length on the back end. 

  • Drink: 2020 — 2035
  • Cas­es Pro­duced: 1,400
  • AVA: Bal­lard Canyon


2017 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon

Packed with incred­i­ble depth and inten­si­ty, the 2017 shows expres­sive cas­sis, cher­ry, choco­late, tobac­co, and herb aro­mas and fla­vors. The wine has big but ele­gant tex­ture and weight, with fine grained tan­nins, all backed by great acid­i­ty. Young now, the wine should age beau­ti­ful­ly for 25+ years. 

  • Drink: 2022 — 2040+
  • Cas­es Pro­duced: 370
  • AVA: Los Olivos District


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