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Allison Levine, Please The Palate: Beckmen’s biodynamic farming in Santa Barbara County

Posted: Jun 28, 2019

When we tran­si­tioned into bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing in the ear­ly 2000’s, a lot of peo­ple did­n’t under­stand what this phi­los­o­phy and way of farm­ing meant. Bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing was some­what new to the U.S. and peo­ple had a hard time trust­ing its holis­tic, home­o­path­ic meth­ods. Thank­ful­ly, bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing has gained trac­tion since then with more vine­yards and winer­ies in the U.S. becom­ing Deme­ter cer­ti­fied.

Alli­son Levine is a jour­nal­ist and wine crit­ic from Los Ange­les who has fol­lowed our wine­grow­ing and wine­mak­ing prac­tices for near­ly two decades. She recent­ly wrote an arti­cle in the Napa Val­ley Reg­is­ter where she reflect­ed on her first trip to Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard in the ear­ly 2000’s and learned of our bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing prac­tices, includ­ing the tra­di­tion of burn­ing the first gopher of the year. We encour­age you to read this arti­cle, dive deep­er into our way of farm­ing, and see her reviews on sev­er­al of our lat­est wine releases.

Click Here to Read the Full Napa Val­ley Reg­is­ter Article

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