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Beckmen Ranks #55 in The Daily Meal’s 101 Best Wineries in America 2016

Posted: Aug 3, 2016

We are hon­ored to be includ­ed as #55 in The Dai­ly Meal’s list of the 101 Best Winer­ies in Amer­i­ca 2016! A group of 50 wine experts through­out Amer­i­ca nom­i­nat­ed up to 10 of their favorite winer­ies in the coun­try, nar­row­ing the selec­tion down to an impres­sive list of 101 winer­ies in 14 dif­fer­ent states. This is the third year in a row Beck­men Vine­yards has been includ­ed on this list; in 2015 we were rat­ed #66, and in 2014 we were rat­ed #68.

One of San­ta Bar­bara County’s top spe­cial­ists in Rhône-style wines, Beck­men isn’t a flashy pro­duc­er, but it offers an ample range of well-craft­ed, well-bal­anced wines, all estate-grown, con­sis­tent in qual­i­ty and vivid with vari­etal char­ac­ter.”
Col­man Andrews, Editor

Read The Dai­ly Meal’s full review of Beck­men here, and watch the com­plete slideshow of 101 winer­ies here.

Thank you to those who nom­i­nat­ed us! We appre­ci­ate your sup­port and encouragement.

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