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Beyond Organic

Posted: Feb 3, 2025

The Living Ecosystem of Beckmen Vineyards

As San­ta Bar­bara Coun­ty’s first Deme­ter-cer­ti­fied bio­dy­nam­ic vine­yard, Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard embod­ies our deep­est com­mit­ment to work­ing in har­mo­ny with nature. Here, bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing isn’t just a prac­tice — it’s a phi­los­o­phy that trans­forms our entire estate into a self-sus­tain­ing ecosys­tem where every ele­ment plays a vital role.

Our res­i­dent ani­mals are more than just charm­ing vine­yard com­pan­ions. Our cows con­tribute to our essen­tial bio­dy­nam­ic prepa­ra­tions, while our pigs nat­u­ral­ly till and fer­til­ize the soil, main­tain­ing per­fect vine­yard bal­ance with­out mechan­i­cal inter­ven­tion. Cov­er crops flour­ish between vine rows, nur­tur­ing ben­e­fi­cial insects and enrich­ing our soils, while our care­ful­ly tend­ed com­post piles trans­form vine­yard mate­ri­als into life-giv­ing nutrients.

This holis­tic approach extends beyond the vine­yard and into our cel­lar, where we han­dle every clus­ter of grapes with the same mind­ful care that nur­tured them in the field. Our bio­dy­nam­ic prac­tices don’t just pro­duce grapes — they cre­ate an envi­ron­ment where each vine can express its truest char­ac­ter, result­ing in wines of remark­able authen­tic­i­ty and place.

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Meet Pete! Pete is one from PMV's heard of 13.
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