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DIY Easy & Impressive Cork Planter Box

Posted: Jul 22, 2015

Next time you open one of our deli­cious wines, keep the cork! You can add a touch of ele­gant flair to your pot­ted plants with this do-it-your­self cork planter box display.

What You Will Need: Planter box, a lot of corks, hot glue, pot­ting soil, and plants. We rec­om­mend enjoy­ing a glass of wine while DIY­ing… choose from our white, rosé, or red wines, all hand­craft­ed from bio­dy­nam­ic grapes grown on our fam­i­ly’s two vineyards.

Beckmen cork planter

Step 1: Choose a planter box of your desired size. Depend­ing on where you put the planter box, and what types of flow­ers you put inside of it, con­sid­er hav­ing a plas­tic lin­er or holes in the bot­tom of the planter box to help with drainage. We want­ed a rec­tan­gu­lar shape, since we were cre­at­ing these cen­ter­pieces for the long tables on our win­ery’s tast­ing room decks, locat­ed in Los Olivos, CA.

Beckmen planter box

Step 2: Glue corks onto the out­side of the planter box. We chose white wine corks for our planter box­es, so that the corks were sim­i­lar col­ors. Feel free to exper­i­ment with used red wine corks, which add a pop of col­or and dif­fer­ent tex­tures. We found that using hot glue worked best to adhere the corks to the wood­en box frame.

Beckmen cork planter colored corks
Beckmen cork planter pattern

We used a pat­tern of two-by-two corks, alter­nat­ing with ver­ti­cal and hor­i­zon­tal pat­terns. You can arrange the corks so the logo and win­ery name face the same way, cre­at­ing a con­sis­tent pat­tern, or ran­dom­ly like we did.

Beckmen cork planter dirt

Step 3: Fill planter box half way with pot­ting soil. Be thought­ful about what you’ll be plant­i­ng and make sure you use an appro­pri­ate soil type.

Beckmen cork planter succulents

Step 4: The fun part…choose your plants! We used a vari­ety of suc­cu­lents because we loved the col­or scheme and the vari­ety of tex­tures, but any type of pot­ted plant or flower will work. We chose suc­cu­lents because our tast­ing room decks get a lot of sunlight.

Beckmen cork planter filling

Step 5: Plant your flow­ers or suc­cu­lents, fill­ing in gaps with left­over pot­ting soil. Water lightly.

Your beau­ti­ful and sim­ple planter box is com­plete! This is a great project that will con­tin­ue to bring back mem­o­ries of all the wines you’ve enjoyed.

About Us

At Beck­men Vine­yards, we’ve always focused on our tra­di­tion­al fam­i­ly val­ues to pro­duce estate-grown pre­mi­um wines made in har­mo­ny with nature that reflect a sense of place. We do what we love to bring you wines that you’ll love time and time again.

As San­ta Bar­bara County’s first bio­dy­nam­ic vine­yard in 2008, we focus on the most impor­tant part of wine­mak­ing, grow­ing excep­tion­al grapes. We are Deme­ter cer­ti­fied bio­dy­nam­ic.

We ship nation­al­ly and offer a win­ery mem­ber­ship with quar­ter­ly deliv­er­ies of new wine releas­es, 20 – 25% dis­counts on all wines, and com­pli­men­ta­ry wine tast­ings at our work­ing vine­yard estate in Los Olivos, CA. Our win­ery is open for wine tast­ings, pic­nics, and pri­vate tours and tastings.

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Beckmen cork planter
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