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Beckmen dmagazine 2019 earth day

DMagazine: What To Drink Now: Earth Day Wines

Posted: Apr 26, 2019

Tak­ing care of the land we farm is some­thing we are com­mit­ted to every day of the year, not only on one spe­cial hol­i­day. We treat our farm as a self-sus­tain­ing organ­ism, apply­ing ben­e­fi­cial manure and herb based com­posts to pro­mote health and fer­til­i­ty as a part of our bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing phi­los­o­phy.

That being said, we are all for cel­e­brat­ing Earth Day and con­scious­ly sup­port­ing oth­er busi­ness­es who care about the envi­ron­ment. When Hay­ley Hamil­ton of Dal­las’s DMagazine includ­ed our Cuvee le Bec wine in her round up of inter­na­tion­al Earth friend­ly winer­ies to sup­port, we were thrilled to be held in such esteemed company!

Click Here to Read the Full DMagazine Article

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