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2020 February Food and Wine 3

Food & Wine: Best Winter Rosés

Posted: Jan 31, 2020

2020 February Food and Wine 4

Tom and Steve Beck­men, the own­er and winemaker/​general man­ag­er, both say Rosé is their favorite wine and the wine they grav­i­tate towards no mat­ter the set­ting. Gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, how­ev­er, more Rosé is con­sumed dur­ing warmer months than dur­ing the win­ter, which was why we were so pleas­ant­ly sur­prised for our 2018 PMV Grenache Rosé to be includ­ed in Ray Isle’s lat­est arti­cle in Food & Wine mag­a­zine, 10 Pink Wines That Are Per­fect for Win­ter Nights.

2020 February Food and Wine 2
2020 February Food and Wine 1

We have been mak­ing a Grenache Rosé since our inau­gur­al 1995 vin­tage. The Beck­men fam­i­ly fell in love with Tavel Rosé while trav­el­ling through Provence, France, and always knew they would cre­ate a sim­i­lar wine in their port­fo­lio. What makes our Rosé unique is how we craft it: our Rosé is made from grapes which are grown and har­vest­ed specif­i­cal­ly for the Rosé wine, it is not a made from juice bled off our red fer­menters. There is a big dif­fer­ence in this method because instead of manip­u­lat­ing the bleed off juice into Rosé wine we can har­vest grapes with the prop­er fla­vor pro­file, acid­i­ty and poten­tial alco­hol for Rosé wine.

Click here to read the full Food & Wine article.

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