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Wine delivery 3btl redrose

Platinum Option Now Available

Posted: Jan 29, 2021

We are con­stant­ly striv­ing to improve our cus­tomer ser­vice and offer our loy­al sup­port­ers more ben­e­fits. Start­ing today, both cus­tomers and win­ery mem­bers can add the Plat­inum option* to their account and auto­mat­i­cal­ly receive ground ship­ping includ­ed for every wine purchase. 

Not a member? Register today and start saving 20 – 25% on all wines in addition to shipping included on all orders. 

As a Plat­inum cus­tomer, every wine pur­chase from Beck­men Vine­yards will auto­mat­i­cal­ly include ground ship­ping, whether it’s your quar­ter­ly mem­ber­ship release, a new vari­ety in our wine col­lec­tion, or a spe­cial sale. Ship­ping is also includ­ed on our nat­ur­al 1NGREDIENT wines and val­ue-dri­ven Big Hands wines.

Plat­inum cus­tomers also receive dis­count­ed rates on our sum­mer­time ship­ping options — FedEx Tem­per­a­ture Con­trolled Ship­ping or UPS Next Day Air — depend­ing on their ship­ping region. We do not ship wine in tem­per­a­tures above 80°F as exces­sive heat can dam­age the wine, so this allows Plat­inum cus­tomers to safe­ly receive wines at a ship­ping dis­count dur­ing the hot months of May through Octo­ber when orders may be placed on a weath­er hold.

Wine delivery 2btl reds

How it Works

The Plat­inum option is valid for one year and costs $75. Reg­is­ter­ing is sim­ple, just fill out the form below and receive ship­ping includ­ed for one year. For most mem­bers, the cost of a Plat­inum mem­ber­ship will pay for itself before three quar­ter­ly ship­ments — not includ­ing any oth­er wines that are ordered through­out the year.

Have a ques­tion? Please call us at 8056888664 ext 207 or 210.

*The Plat­inum option is not valid for ship­ping to AK or HI.

Please enter your account information below. We will charge your card on file the $75 registration fee and email you the receipt. Please allow up to 72 hours for the shipping included to be applied to your account. You will then receive shipping included for one year, automatically. We will con­tact you before your mem­ber­ship is set to be auto-renewed. 

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