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Beckmen grenache grapes

Randy Caparoso Lets Grenache Sing

Posted: Jun 1, 2015

Randy Caparoso, Edi­tor-at-Large/Bot­tom Line Colum­nist at The SOMM Jour­nal and The Wan­der­ing Som­me­li­er Colum­nist at The Tast­ing Pan­el (among many oth­er titles), focus­es on Cal­i­forn­ian Grenache wines in his lat­est blog Is Cal­i­for­nia Grenache on a Cusp?

Bot­tom line – the more you appre­ci­ate del­i­ca­cy in red wine, the more you appre­ci­ate Grenache!”

Try­ing to find 100% Grenache wines can be a dif­fi­cult task. As Randy men­tions, Grenache is most often the fem­i­nine and ele­gant coun­ter­part in Syrah and Mourve­dre blends. We chal­lenge you to start drink­ing more Grenache – in its purest form – to appre­ci­ate and bet­ter under­stand its fine­ness and ele­gance. Start with the wine Randy reviewed, our 2013 Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard Block Eight Grenache, and see how well your palate can appre­ci­ate this noble varietal.

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