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Robb report beckmen

Robb Report: 20 Stellar Wines Under $100 — and 5 Secrets for How to Find Them

Posted: Jan 7, 2020

Gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, the wine indus­try isn’t impact­ed by changes in pol­i­tics. At the the end of 2019 and begin­ning of 2020, how­ev­er, Amer­i­can wine buy­ers were seri­ous­ly con­cerned that a 100% tar­iff on wines from the Euro­pean Union would cre­ate a major shift in the US wine indus­try. Winophiles knew this would affect their abil­i­ty to pur­chase and enjoy Euro­pean wines on a day to day basis. So, Sara Schnei­der, writer for the Robb Report, put togeth­er a list of incred­i­ble Amer­i­can wines that can hold their weight against clas­sic Euro­pean wines. We were so incred­i­bly hap­py to find our 2017 PMV Block Six Syrah includ­ed in this list!

Sara had vis­it­ed our estate win­ery in Decem­ber of 2019, when Steve shared this wine with her. Block Six is an impor­tant part of our vine­yard because it was the first sec­tion of our vine­yard to be farmed bio­dy­nam­i­cal­ly in 2003, and has con­sis­tent­ly pro­duced the best Syrah since then. Sara writes:

For 25 years the Beck­men Fam­i­ly has been a lead­ing pro­duc­er of Rhône vari­eties (as well as some Bor­deaux) in San­ta Bar­bara Coun­ty. This small-pro­duc­tion Syrah is rich and ele­gant, with com­plex lay­ers of blue­ber­ry fla­vors, mint, flo­rals, choco­late, and min­er­al­i­ty cloaked in nuances of texture.”

There are many oth­er impres­sive wines includ­ed in Sara’s arti­cle. We high­ly rec­om­mend read­ing it and drink­ing your way through some of the best wines Amer­i­ca has to offer!

Click here to read the full Robb Report article. 

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