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Los Angeles Times: The Judith & Thomas L. Beckmen YOLA Center

Posted: Aug 16, 2018

After years as lead­ers and pio­neers in the elec­tron­ic music busi­ness, Tom and Judy Beck­men estab­lished Beck­men Vine­yards in 1994. Their goal? To make wines as well-craft­ed and dis­tinc­tive as the key­boards and syn­the­siz­ers that built their suc­cess­ful careers as founders of Roland Corp. US.

Fast for­ward 25 years and the Beckmen’s appre­ci­a­tion and inno­va­tion of music endures. Tom, a board mem­ber for the Los Ange­les Phil­har­mon­ic, and Judy, a long­time sup­port­er, are proud to announce the unveil­ing of the $14.5 mil­lion Judith and Thomas L. Beck­men YOLA Cen­ter in Ingle­wood in the Los Ange­les Times.


L.A. Phil con­duc­tor Gus­ta­vo Dudamel, left, archi­tect Frank Gehry, sec­ond from left, and YOLA Cen­ter donors Thomas and Judith Beck­men at the design unveil­ing on Wednes­day, August 152018.


The 25,000 square foot build­ing will be the new home for LA Phil’s Youth Orches­tra Los Ange­les; a music edu­ca­tion pro­gram that pro­vides free instru­ments, music train­ing and aca­d­e­m­ic sup­port to chil­dren in cen­tral, south­ern, and east­ern por­tions of Los Ange­les. Con­struc­tion will begin on the cen­ter, locat­ed in Ingle­wood, CA, in spring 2019.


You can read the full LA Times arti­cle about the unveil­ing here, and anoth­er arti­cle focused on the building’s archi­tec­ture here.

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