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The Perfect Sweater Weather Reds (and a White!)

Posted: Oct 18, 2021

As we watch the vines turn from vibrant green to a daz­zling spec­trum of orange and red, our vine­yard crews are hus­tling to bring into our cel­lar the last of the grapes that will soon become the 2021 vin­tage. Yep, it’s that time of year again. A time when the sun dips below the hori­zon a lit­tle bit ear­li­er than the day before, the leaves flut­ter in a stream on the wind, and there is a brisk chill in the air — it’s fall!

With the fall sea­son comes a new occa­sion to dive into a selec­tion of new release wines. Our 2021 Quar­ter 3 Wine Releas­es are pro­duced in extreme­ly lim­it­ed quan­ti­ties and are only avail­able direct­ly from our Los Olivos win­ery. We’ve hand-select­ed four wines that will pair per­fect­ly with every­thing from root­ing on your favorite foot­ball team to shar­ing pump­kin pie with friends and family.

Just so you know, these small-pro­duc­tion wines are shared exclu­sive­ly with our wine club mem­bers before they become avail­able in our online wine shop — and they often sell out! Becom­ing a mem­ber of our wine club is the only way to ensure you’ll have a deli­cious glass of these exclu­sive wines at hand, ready to warm you up on a chilly fall day. Learn more about our wine club options here.

2020 PMV Viognier

2020 PMV Viog­nier, Bal­lard Canyon

The mouth­feel of this wine bal­ances rich­ness, ele­gance, and creami­ness with a touch of acid — show­ing how tru­ly great our Viog­nier can be. Expres­sive notes of apri­cot, hon­ey­suck­le, jas­mine, white flower, and a touch of white pep­per show the full array of Viog­nier aromatics.

This wine will con­tin­ue to drink beau­ti­ful­ly for the next 5 – 7 years or more.

Craft­ed from 100% cer­ti­fied bio­dy­nam­ic grapes.

Retail: $39

Inner Cir­cle Club: $29.25 | Purisi­ma Club: $31.20

Pur­chase Now

2019 PMV Block Eight Grenache

2019 PMV Block Eight Grenache, Bal­lard Canyon

Com­plex aro­mas of can­died orange, vio­let, white pep­per, and red fruit are lift­ed in the glass. On the palate, this wine shows its usu­al rich­ness and struc­ture with deep, con­cen­trat­ed notes of red and black fruit, dried flower, and bak­ing spice.

This is a ter­rif­ic vin­tage of Block Eight Grenache that will age for the next 12 – 15 years or more.

Craft­ed from 100% cer­ti­fied bio­dy­nam­ic grapes.

Retail: $58

Inner Cir­cle Club: $43.50 | Purisi­ma Club: $46.40

Pur­chase Now

2019 SYV Cabernet Sauvignon

2019 SYV Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, San­ta Ynez Valley

This 2019 shows clas­sic aro­mas and fla­vors of cher­ry, black cur­rant, vanil­la, tobac­co, and earth. The mouth­feel is smooth, round, and ele­gant, with great acid­i­ty from the cool­er 2019 vin­tage that car­ries the fruit on the long, sup­ple finish.

Approach­able and ready to drink now, this wine will also age won­der­ful­ly over the next 12 – 15 years.

Retail: $36

Inner Cir­cle Club: $27 | Purisi­ma Club: $28.80

Pur­chase Now

2019 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon

2019 Estate Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, Los Olivos District

Rich and intense, the 2019 Estate Caber­net Sauvi­gnon dis­plays bright aro­mas of red and blue fruit, choco­late, sage, and earth. On the palate, fla­vors of choco­late, bay leaf, and dried herb are framed nice­ly by tan­nins and acid­i­ty, cre­at­ing a deli­cious­ly long finish.

This wine will ben­e­fit from time spent in the cel­lar, with opti­mal enjoy­ment from 2023 – 2040.

Retail: $70

Inner Cir­cle Club: $52.50 | Purisi­ma Club: $56

Pur­chase Now

As one of the first Deme­ter Cer­ti­fied Bio­dy­nam­ic vine­yards in San­ta Bar­bara Coun­ty, we take farm­ing our land seri­ous­ly. Now, after years of tend­ing the vines, we are able to ensure that every block in the vine­yard con­sis­tent­ly pro­duces the high­est qual­i­ty fruit pos­si­ble. Turn­ing that fruit into wine and then shar­ing it with you is our great­est joy!

Share your #beck­men­vine­yards moments with us on social media so we can fol­low along and see how you’re cel­e­brat­ing this season.

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