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Beckmen pre service wine

Tasting Room Reopening February 52021

Posted: Jan 28, 2021

We are very excit­ed to announce the reopen­ing of our tast­ing room on Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 5, 2021. We will be open for out­door wine tast­ings and gaze­bo reser­va­tions from 11am — 6pm Fri­day — Sun­day, and Wednes­days for Wine Club mem­bers only. We will remain open for curb­side pick-up every day of the week.

In order to pro­vide a safe and excel­lent expe­ri­ence, we will be accept­ing cus­tomers by advanced reser­va­tion only. You can make your wine tast­ing or gaze­bo reser­va­tion one of three ways:

We will do our best to accom­mo­date your sched­ule, but please under­stand that appoint­ments are lim­it­ed to ensure we keep every­one as safe and healthy as pos­si­ble. We are look­ing for­ward to shar­ing our wines with you and host­ing you on our estate vine­yard again!

Beckmen pre service wine
Pre-poured Tasting Flight of 6 Wines

All tast­ings will take place in a seat­ed for­mat out­side on our decks with plen­ty of space between groups. Each per­son will receive their own wine glass, water bot­tle, hand san­i­tiz­er, and breadsticks.

Beckmen TJ block 7 LR

The reser­va­tions will be spaced out dur­ing the day to lim­it con­tact with oth­er groups and par­ties. Due to this new plan and our cur­rent capac­i­ty, all reser­va­tions are lim­it­ed to a max­i­mum of 6 peo­ple per par­ty. We ask that only adults aged 21 years or old­er vis­it our estate, and dogs are not allowed at this time.

Ques­tions? Please call our tast­ing room at 8056888664 ext 200.

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