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Beckmen pmv clone

Updated Vineyard Maps

Posted: Mar 18, 2020

Beck­men Vine­yards con­sists of two sep­a­rate vine­yards with dra­mat­i­call­y dif­fer­ent soils and cli­mates. We have cre­at­ed two maps of each of our vine­yards to help our cus­tomers bet­ter under­stand how our wines were craft­ed. One ver­sion of the maps shows the var­i­ous plant­i­ngs of vari­etal clones and root­stocks, the oth­er ver­sion lists the final wine the grapes are sourced for. Vine­yards are con­stant­ly evolv­ing, as indi­vid­ual grapevines or entire blocks are replant­ed to dif­fer­ent vari­etals, clones, or root­stocks; these maps were just updat­ed in Feb­ru­ary 2020.

Establishing Beckmen Vineyards

Eager to return to his farm­ing roots, and con­vinced of the San­ta Ynez Valley’s vast poten­tial to pro­duce world-class wines, Tom Beck­men began search­ing for promis­ing vine­yard prop­er­ty in the ear­ly 90s. He found what he was look­ing for on a 40-acre par­cel of land with an exist­ing small win­ery. There, he estab­lished Beck­men Vine­yards in 1994

Tom and his youngest son Steve began work­ing togeth­er to revi­tal­ize the site. Con­vinced that the vine­yard had been plant­ed incor­rect­ly, they painstak­ing­ly removed the orig­i­nal 16 acres of vines and replant­ed the vine­yard with 24 acres of care­ful­ly select­ed vari­etals, clones, and root­stocks, pri­mar­i­ly of Caber­net Sauvi­gnon.

Map of Thomas and Judith Beck­men Estate Vine­yard: Clones & Rootstocks

Click here to down­load or view this map in detail.

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The Thomas and Judith Beck­men Estate Vine­yard is locat­ed in the new­ly estab­lished Los Olivos Dis­trict AVA.

Map of Thomas and Judith Beck­men Estate Vine­yard: Wines

Click here to down­load or view this map in detail.

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Building Purisima Mountain

Com­mit­ted to build­ing a world-class estate-vine­yard pro­gram, the Beck­mens also pur­chased a spec­tac­u­lar, unplant­ed 365-acre San­ta Ynez Val­ley ranch in 1996. Nam­ing it Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard (PMV) Tom and Steve began a metic­u­lous plant­i­ng process designed to main­tain the nat­ur­al diver­si­ty of the site. With an ide­al cli­mate and rare lime­stone sub­soils sim­i­lar to those found in Côte Rôtie and Châteauneuf du Pape, the vine­yard has proven per­fect for pro­duc­ing a range of stun­ning Rhône vari­etals, espe­cial­ly Syrah and Grenache. PMV is also the home of Beck­men’s white wine port­fo­lio, con­sist­ing of Rosé, Sauvi­gnon Blanc, Chardon­nay, Viog­nier, and Grenache Blanc.

Map of Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard: Clones & Rootstocks

Click here to down­load or view this map in detail.

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Under the care and guid­ance of Tom and Steve, PMV has earned acclaim as one of California’s great Rhône-vari­etal vine­yards. Adding to its rep­u­ta­tion as one of the most metic­u­lous­ly cul­ti­vat­ed wine­grow­ing sites in all of San­ta Bar­bara Coun­ty, the vine­yard has been farmed 100% bio­dy­nam­i­cal­ly since 2006 and was cer­ti­fied Deme­ter bio­dy­nam­ic in 2009

Reflect­ing a pas­sion for qual­i­ty and a belief in the nat­ur­al char­ac­ter of the land, the adop­tion of bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing prac­tices has only rein­forced Steve’s vine­yard-focused style of wine­mak­ing. Believ­ing that the wine in the bot­tle begins in the soil, Steve and the wine­mak­ing team craft wines that cap­ture the unique ter­roir of Purisi­ma Mountain.

Map of Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard: Wines

Click here to down­load or view this map in detail.

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PMV is locat­ed in the Bal­lard Canyon AVA and cur­rent­ly has 126 acres of grapevines plant­ed. It is the fourth largest cer­ti­fied bio­dy­nam­ic vine­yard in California.

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