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Beckmen vineyards daily tour

Visit California Highlights Beckmen as #1 Winery Experience

Posted: Aug 25, 2019

There are over 3,600 winer­ies in the state of Cal­i­for­nia. Nar­row­ing that num­ber down to a few winer­ies you can vis­it on one wine coun­try week­end get­away is a tough deci­sion, espe­cial­ly when you con­sid­er the vast array of wine vari­etals and styles pro­duced across the state. Thank­ful­ly, our friends over at Vis­it Cal­i­for­nia cre­at­ed a list of 14 Amaz­ing Cal­i­for­nia Win­ery Expe­ri­ences… and we are list­ed as the #1 choice! 

When you vis­it our 40 acre estate vine­yard for a wine tast­ing, you’ll walk next to the crush­pad where all of our wines are made. You’ll see our wine­mak­ing equip­ment (espe­cial­ly dur­ing the fall har­vest months) mere yards away from our caber­net sauvi­gnon and grenache grapevines. If you sign up for our dai­ly 11am tour, you’ll be able to walk through our vine­yard and learn how we grow our grapes with bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing prac­tices. We want to give guests an authen­tic look into our wine­grow­ing and wine­mak­ing philoso­phies in an infor­mal set­ting. If this sounds like a wine tast­ing you’d like to expe­ri­ence, we encour­age you to learn more about vis­it­ing our vine­yard!

Click Here to Read the Full Vis­it Cal­i­for­nia Article

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