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Steve beckmen wine futures

What is Wine Futures?

Posted: Sep 1, 2015

Once a year, winer­ies across the globe open their cel­lars for a unique sale: Wine Futures.

Top cus­tomers, jour­nal­ists, and whole­sale buy­ers alike are giv­en the exclu­sive oppor­tu­ni­ty to taste and pur­chase wine, before it’s bot­tled, when it is still aging in bar­rel. Wine review­ers and jour­nal­ists are allowed a sneak-peak of the winery’s newest vin­tages, so their reviews can be pub­lished to build aware­ness of cer­tain wines; whole­sale buy­ers and wine direc­tors can plan which wines will be added to their wine port­fo­lios and wine lists; the best cus­tomers are reward­ed with the abil­i­ty to claim a cer­tain amount of their favorite wine before the wine is released to the gen­er­al public.

The wines offered in the sale tech­ni­cal­ly aren’t fin­ished, as they can age in bar­rel any­where from a cou­ple of months to a cou­ple of years before they get bot­tled. The wines will con­tin­ue to evolve, so it’s up to the buy­er to deter­mine what those wines will taste like, and how good they’ll be, once bottled.

Since peo­ple are pur­chas­ing an unfin­ished prod­uct, there is some risk involved. But, as with every risk, there is a reward: the wines are dis­count­ed to the low­est price they’ll ever be offered at. Once the wines are bot­tled and released to the pub­lic, they will be priced at their nor­mal (high­er) rate.

So, what is Wine Futures? A pre-sale that allows you to invest in wine. You pur­chase wine at a steep dis­count while the wine is still in the hands of the wine­mak­er. Once the wine is bot­tled, it’s yours! If you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to attend or pur­chase Futures, take advan­tage, as this is a unique way of buy­ing wine that only hap­pens once a year.

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