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2021 Grenache Estate

From a cooler vintage, the 2021 Estate Grenache is rich, intense, and racy. Loaded with layers of bright red fruits, pomegranate, and a touch of grenadine, this vintage is notable for its tremendous structure and acidity that give a backbone to the depth and intensity of the flavor. Another wine that will benefit from some short-term cellaring, it should age gracefully for the next 15-20 years.

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Beckmen Vineyards 2021 Estate Grenache

Critic Reviews

  • Jeb Dunnuck

    93 Points

    The lighter ruby-hued 2021 Grenache Estate (100% Grenache) has a sol­id per­fume of mulled straw­ber­ries, dried cher­ries, bak­ing spices, and loamy earth, with some back­ground meaty nuances. Beau­ti­ful­ly bal­anced, medi­um to full-bod­ied, and mouth-fill­ing, with a ter­rif­ic mix of rich­ness and ele­gance, it’s an out­stand­ing, sat­is­fy­ing Grenache to enjoy over the com­ing 5 – 7 years.

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