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2022 PMV Grenache Libre Ballard Canyon

Wonderfully complex, the 2022 LIBRE is outstanding. Bright red fruits of cherry and raspberry, Herbs de Provence, violet, baking spice, and pepper reveal themselves throughout the aromas and flavors of this vintage. Showing great depth and richness, the wine has ripe tannins and great acidity that carry the rich flavors on the long finish. The 2022 LIBRE will benefit from some short-term cellaring (1-2 years) and will drink beautifully over the next two decades or more. A very impressive LIBRE!

$75 per bottle | Member Exclusive

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Beckmen vineyards grenache libre bottle shot

Critic Reviews

  • Jeb Dunnuck

    94 Points

    Reviewed by Jeb Dun­nuck, August 2023

    Kirsch, Bing cher­ries, laven­der, vio­lets, and some pep­pery notes all define the 2022 Grenache PMV Libre, anoth­er impres­sive Grenache from this estate that has tons of char­ac­ter. It’s medi­um to full-bod­ied, has good, con­cen­trat­ed, ripe, beau­ti­ful­ly inte­grat­ed tan­nins, and out­stand­ing length. It needs just a year or two in the cel­lar but will shine through 2032 with ease. Matu­ri­ty 2024 — 2032.

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