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2019 1ng Syrah 1

Our First 1NGREDIENT Red Wine

Posted: Jan 18, 2022

We intro­duced 1NGREDIENT wines in 2020 as a part of our evo­lu­tion as wine­mak­ers, com­bin­ing our years of wine­grow­ing and wine­mak­ing expe­ri­ence with the goal of mak­ing wines exclu­sive­ly from one ingre­di­ent, cer­ti­fied Bio­dy­nam­ic wine grapes. While our ini­tial bot­tlings under this label were white wines — Sauvi­gnon Blanc, Viog­nier, and most recent­ly Chardon­nay — we are very excit­ed to expand into red wines with the release of the 2019 1NGREDIENT Syrah.

2019 1ng Syrah june2020 amphora
1NGREDIENT Syrah aging in amphora inside our barrel room.

The 2019 1NGREDIENT Syrah is arguably our finest effort from our 1NGREDIENT label. The wine is pro­duced from Syrah Clone 174 grown in Block Six on Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard, which was har­vest­ed ear­ly for this wine, blend­ed with 2.5% 2019 1NGREDIENT Viog­nier. The wine saw the same aging reg­i­ment as the 1NGREDIENT white wines with 10 months of skin con­tact in ampho­ra fol­lowed by an addi­tion­al year of the wine aging in ampho­ra. As with all our 1NGREDIENT wines, the Syrah is clus­ter sort­ed then berry sort­ed, crushed and bot­tled by hand with no addi­tives or preser­v­a­tives. With only 13.5% alco­hol, the 1NGREDIENT Syrah is a tremen­dous achieve­ment from our win­ery crew.

2019 1ng Syrah sightglass
Viewing the wine through the amphora sightglass.
2019 1ng Syrah bottling1
Using gravity to bottle the wine; free flowing from the stainless steel barrel into the bottles.
2019 1ng Syrah bottling3
Replacing each bottle by hand on the bottling stand.

The inau­gur­al release of a 1NGREDIENT Syrah bot­tling is an amaz­ing and com­plex wine. Flo­ral, gamey, and spicy aro­mas wrap around a core of bright, fresh black cher­ry and plum. The wine is medi­um bod­ied and plush through the mid-palate with smooth tan­nins and acid­i­ty that car­ry the fla­vors to a long fin­ish. There is a tremen­dous min­er­al side with the lime­stone and clay from the ampho­ra cre­at­ing a sen­sa­tion of crushed wet rock. Amaz­ing­ly clean, the 2019 1NGREDIENT Syrah has the poten­tial to age 50+ years. Decant­i­ng is sug­gest­ed over the next sev­er­al years.

2019 1ng Syrah 3
2019 1NGREDIENT Syrah now available for $85.

In mak­ing 1NGREDIENT wines, we look to the past as we uti­lize prac­tices that were used gen­er­a­tions ago when wine was made nat­u­ral­ly – with­out the addi­tives and fan­cy pumps and fil­ters that wine­mak­ers uti­lize today. Our specif­i­cal­ly designed ampho­ra pro­vides a neu­tral ves­sel to fer­ment and age this wine, allow­ing the char­ac­ter of the bio­dy­nam­ic grapes to shine through in each bottle.

Our first 1NGREDIENT red wine is a seri­ous, com­plex, thought pro­vok­ing wine. The 2019 1NGREDIENT Syrah is now avail­able to pur­chase in our online shop for $85 per bot­tle. While our 1NGREDIENT wines will not be includ­ed in any quar­ter­ly Wine Club releas­es, mem­bers will receive their usu­al Club dis­counts on these wines and non-mem­bers will receive a 10% case discount.

We can­not be proud­er of this release and look for­ward to shar­ing it with you.

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