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2021 Block Six Syrah Purisima Mountain Vineyard

Block Six was the first section of Purisima Mountain Vineyard to be farmed biodynamically starting in 2002 and is the highest elevation block in the vineyard featuring significant deposits of chalky limestone. These factors contribute to a wine that has consistently been our finest Syrah bottling.

The milder conditions in the 2021 vintage produced a great Block Six wine that reminds us of the epic 2015 release. Waves of dark fruits, minerals, pepper, chocolate, and vanilla weave their way through the aromas and flavors of the wine. Definitely a vintage with higher acidity and bigger tannins structure, the 2021 Block Six retains a round and seamless texture where the rich flavors are supported and lifted by the great structure. A wine that should age very well, we expect the 2021 Block Six to age for the next 25 years.

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Beckmen Vineyards 2021 Purisima Mountain Vineyard Syrah Block Six
Pmv Block Six Syrah

Critic Reviews

  • Wine Enthusiast

    95 points

    Edi­tors’ Choice

    This is bold for a San­ta Bar­bara Coun­ty-made Syrah, start­ing with unc­tu­ous aro­mas of elder­ber­ry, blue­ber­ry, pur­ple flower and crushed mint. Mouth­coat­ing and firm fla­vors of blue­ber­ry are enhanced by tar­ragon and cracked pep­per on the palate, prov­ing spicy, struc­tur­al and elegant.

    By Matt Kettmann, July 2024

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