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Come Taste What We’ve Been Growing

Posted: Jun 15, 2022

Our remod­eled tast­ing room is ful­ly open and bet­ter than ever. As a work­ing win­ery that is open sev­en days a week, every day is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to share the joy of our wines, and we’ve made sev­er­al changes in the past cou­ple of years to improve your vis­it. Now win­ery mem­bers can enjoy new­ly cre­at­ed, mem­bers only flights of pre­mi­um, new release wines. We have also recent­ly reopened our remold­ed indoor tast­ing room for flights at the bar. You can stop in to taste what’s new, or indulge in a pri­vate tour and tast­ing with our knowl­edge­able staff, either choice is an idyl­lic wine coun­try escape with pond and vine­yard views set­ting the back­drop. If you’d like to real­ly bask in the scenery, our pic­nic gaze­bos are per­fect for shar­ing a bot­tle with a self-catered lunch. There are so many great places to get sand­wich­es and snacks near the win­ery, that it’s easy to make this a culi­nary expe­ri­ence with a lit­tle plan­ning. Here’s a link to our pic­nic primer. Whichev­er Beck­men Vine­yards expe­ri­ence you choose, make sure to make a reser­va­tion to save your spot. 

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Pond­side Lounge

Our new Pond­side Lounge is now open for enjoy­ing bot­tles of Beck­men wine at your leisure. Like our pic­nic gaze­bos, lounge reser­va­tion fees are refund­ed to mem­bers, and there is only a 1 bot­tle min­i­mum pur­chase. The Lounge can be mod­i­fied to host between 2 and 11 guests, and it can be com­bined with Gaze­bo #3 to host 19 total wine lovers. This is our biggest semi-pri­­vate expe­ri­ence yet! Book the Pond­side Lounge.

Dock Pond
The dock awaits.

Pri­vate Tast­ing Expe­ri­ence

Tour­ing the win­ery and enjoy­ing our pre­mi­um bot­tlings with fine meats and cheeses is the per­fect way to expe­ri­ence Beck­men Vine­yards. One of our per­son­able tast­ing room experts will escort you around the win­ery and vine­yards and explain how our wines are grown and craft­ed. The tour cul­mi­nates at the pri­vate dock over­look­ing our pond, where you will taste a cus­tomized flight of our finest wines specif­i­cal­ly curat­ed to your tastes. The tast­ing is enhanced by a selec­tion of cheeses, cured meats, and accou­trements. A lunch add-on is avail­able too. Book a Pri­vate Tast­ing Expe­ri­ence.

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New Library Releases

We’ve added a library rack to the tast­ing room full of vin­tage Beck­men selec­tions. It’s fun to check out this secret stash of reserve wines from the past decades. To open a well-aged Beck­men is to relive a great year, while also tast­ing some­thing that has evolved into a new wine entirely. 

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Beckmen branded gear makes a great gift!

Sea­son­al Menu Updates

The win­ery has a dif­fer­ent atmos­phere and ener­gy depend­ing on the time of year, and we look to match the tast­ing jour­ney with the feel of the sea­son. Har­vest, bud break, sum­mer sun, and win­ter dor­man­cy all pro­vide inspi­ra­tion to revis­it our win­ery and estate vine­yard. With every sea­son, we change our flights so there will like­ly be new releas­es that were not avail­able the last time you vis­it­ed the tast­ing room. 

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Some of our wonderful tasting room crew (clockwise from left): Patti. Tristin M, and Brooklyn

Our Won­der­ful Staff

Our staff makes the tast­ing room come to life. These tal­ent­ed folks come from dif­fer­ent back­grounds in hos­pi­tal­i­ty, but they are unit­ed by their love for wine and peo­ple. A tast­ing here comes with their per­son­al touch and per­spec­tive. We all love Beck­men wines, but we might pre­fer cer­tain bot­tlings, vin­tages, or pair­ings. It is the dif­fer­ent per­son­al­i­ties of our staff that makes each tast­ing expe­ri­ence unique. 

Many of your know Pat­ti Green. She has been with us for two years. Her favorite wines are our Block Six Syrah, and TLB. She is also a full time Union Rep­re­sen­ta­tive with UFCW Local 770. She likes to spend her free time exer­cis­ing, danc­ing and trav­el­ing. Eliza Cazares and Todd Atkins have also been with Beck­men for many years, you might see them if you come up on the week­ends. If you have a chance to talk wine with Todd, take it. He has one of the most exten­sive col­lec­tions of vin­tage Beck­men Vine­yards anywhere! 

Few­er of you know some of our new­er faces. Brook­lynn Fletch­er was born and raised in Nashville, and she devel­oped a pas­sion for wine after work­ing in mul­ti­ple brew­eries. She loves the out­doors and enjoys trav­el­ing. Her favorite grape vari­ety is Syrah. Tristin Men­try is an envi­ron­men­tal sci­en­tist who loves drink­ing bio­dy­nam­ic wines and the gen­uine feel of work­ing on a Cal­i­for­nia farm. She is often referred to as, the crafty one” and can be found with a glue stick in one hand and a glass of wine in the oth­er. Her favorite Beck­men wine is the PMV Syrah.

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More of our hard-working tasting room crew (clockwise from left): Debbie, Levi (with Hennessy) , and Tristan D.

The newest mem­bers of the team are Dan­ni­ka Har­ri­son and Levi Dur­rer. Dan­ni­ka is a San­ta Bar­bara coun­ty native. After work­ing at oth­er tast­ing rooms, she says it’s refresh­ing to be a part of a fam­i­ly oper­at­ed busi­ness with deep, hon­est, true val­ues. While she thinks that every wine at Beck­men is mag­i­cal, the PMV Grenache is a favorite of hers. Dan­ni­ka loves Grenache’s bright, vibrant ener­gy and sophis­ti­cat­ed, bold taste. Levi loves wine and all fer­ment­ed food and drinks in gen­er­al. He even crafts home­brew from wild for­aged native botan­i­cals. He has his WSET 3 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in wine and spir­its and loves to talk with guests about wine, gar­den­ing and sus­tain­able regen­er­a­tive agriculture. 

Tris­tan Dai­ly wears many hats in the tast­ing room. He might be your host, your serv­er, or he might be run­ning around restock­ing and fix­ing things. Beck­men vine­yards was his intro­duc­tion to the wine world. His favorite Beck­men bot­tling is the Syrah clone #383. His hob­bies include play­ing com­put­er games, and enjoy­ing the out­doors by run­ning or hik­ing some of the local trails and admir­ing the geology.

Our tast­ing room is man­aged by Deb­bie Maisch. She first came to Beck­men Vine­yards after falling in love with the Cuvée le Bec 2007. She loved it so much that she came to the win­ery to buy more and end­ed up leav­ing with a mixed case. She then joined as a win­ery mem­ber and even­tu­al­ly joined our team. Aside from wine and her fam­i­ly, her oth­er pas­sion is alter­na­tive pho­tog­ra­phy which includes all his­toric process­es; cyan­otypes, Vandykes, and gelatin sil­ver to name a few. Deb­bie is small town Cal­i­for­nia born and raised, and she loves liv­ing where the worst traf­fic jam on her way to work is two cars behind a trac­tor. Her pas­sion and lead­er­ship helps the team make every expe­ri­ence vis­it­ing Beck­men Vine­yards and mem­o­rable one.

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See you in the tasting room!
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