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Food & Wine Includes Our Grenache for Earth Day

We’re excit­ed to share that Food & Wine just includ­ed our 2017 PMV Grenache in their rec­om­men­da­tions for the top 10 wines to drink from eco-friend­ly and sus­tain­able winer­ies this Earth Day.

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Apr 15, 2020

FW 041620 Earth Day Article
Beckmen pmv clone

Mar 18, 2020

Updated Vineyard Maps

Beck­men Vine­yards con­sists of two sep­a­rate vine­yards with dra­mat­i­call­y dif­fer­ent soils and cli­mates. We have cre­at­ed two maps of each of our vine­yards to help our cus­tomers bet­ter under­stand how our wines were craft­ed. One ver­sion of the maps shows the var­i­ous plant­i­ngs of vari­etal clones and root­stocks, the oth­er ver­sion lists the final wine the grapes are sourced for. These maps were just updat­ed in Feb­ru­ary 2020.

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SBWA 2020 beckmen

Feb 18, 2020

2020 Santa Barbara Wine Auction

We were proud to con­tin­ue sup­port­ing the farm work­ers and their fam­i­lies of San­ta Bar­bara Coun­ty’s wine indus­try, Direct Relief Inter­na­tion­al, and Com­mu­ni­ty Health Cen­ters at the 11th San­ta Bar­bara Wine Auc­tion! As a table host — and pre­vi­ous spon­sor — we loved see­ing how our com­mu­ni­ty can rise togeth­er to help those in need, specif­i­cal­ly when it comes to health­care services. 

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Beckmen 2018 cuvee le bec

Feb 12, 2020

2020 Winter Wine Releases

Watch videos of wine­mak­er Steve Beck­men pre­sent­ing the four new wines released in the first quar­ter of 2020: 2018 PMV Chardon­nay, 2018 Estate Grenache, 2018 Cuvee le Bec, and 2017 TLB

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Beckmen pmv oak hill

Feb 1, 2020

Wintertime Vineyard Update

With the vines dor­mant, things look pret­ty qui­et in the vine­yard dur­ing the win­ter, but there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes to ensure the qual­i­ty of next year’s vin­tage. Dis­cov­er what our vine­yard crew is up to this time of year with our lat­est blog post.

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2020 February Food and Wine 3

Jan 31, 2020

Food & Wine: Best Winter Rosés

Tom and Steve Beck­men, the own­er and winemaker/​general man­ag­er, both say Rosé is their favorite wine and the wine they grav­i­tate towards no mat­ter the set­ting. Gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, how­ev­er, more Rosé is con­sumed dur­ing warmer months than dur­ing the win­ter, which was why we were so pleas­ant­ly sur­prised for our 2018 PMV Grenache Rosé to be includ­ed in Ray Isle’s lat­est arti­cle in Food & Wine mag­a­zine, 10 Pink Wines That Are Per­fect for Win­ter Nights.

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2019 Q1 0048

Jan 28, 2020

Video: 2020 Winter at our Vineyard & Winery

The hec­tic har­vest and hol­i­day sea­sons have end­ed. The New Year has brought a sense of seren­i­ty to our estate — along with beau­ti­ful, lush green views — which reminds us why we love the cycle of wine­mak­ing so much. Watch what’s hap­pen­ing this time of year in our win­ter vine­yard and win­ery update.

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Robb report beckmen

Jan 7, 2020

Robb Report: 20 Stellar Wines Under $100 — and 5 Secrets for How to Find Them

At the the end of 2019 and begin­ning of 2020, Amer­i­can wine buy­ers were seri­ous­ly con­cerned that a 100% tar­iff on wines from the Euro­pean Union would cre­ate a major shift in the US wine indus­try. Winophiles knew this would affect their abil­i­ty to pur­chase and enjoy Euro­pean wines on a day to day basis. So, Sara Schnei­der, writer for the Robb Report, put togeth­er a list of incred­i­ble Amer­i­can wines that can hold their weight against clas­sic Euro­pean wines. We were so incred­i­bly hap­py to find our 2017 PMV Block Six Syrah includ­ed in this list!

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Beckmen 2017 chardonnay

Nov 21, 2019

2019 Fall Releases

Watch videos of wine­mak­er Steve Beck­men pre­sent­ing the four new wines released in the fourth quar­ter of 2019: 2018 PMV Viog­nier, 2018 SYV Grenache, 2017 Bar­rel Select Cuvee, and 2017 PMV Block Six Syrah. 

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Beckmen 2017 grenache whole cluster HR

Nov 15, 2019

Forbes: Holiday Gift Guide 2019: The Top Biodynamic Wines

We’ve always rec­om­mend­ed gift­ing wine dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son. Who would­n’t want to unwrap a bot­tle from a hard-to-find pro­duc­er, or try a new vari­etal or style you’ve nev­er tast­ed before? Bet­ter yet, what if the win­ery was cer­ti­fied bio­dy­nam­ic and you were able to enlight­en the receiv­er to the most nat­ur­al way of farm­ing in the world? A great wine like this is impres­sive to receive as a gift, plus you know the receiv­er will be cre­at­ing won­der­ful mem­o­ries as they savor the bot­tle’s contents.

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BV2019 Q4 25 5871

Oct 27, 2019

Video: 2019 Fall at our Vineyard & Winery

Har­vest is tru­ly under­way! We are bring­ing in fruit near­ly every morn­ing from both our cer­ti­fied bio­dy­nam­ic Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard and our Thomas and Judith Beck­men Estate Vine­yard. See our crew in action when you watch this video, and read on to dis­cov­er how we turn our grapes into wine.

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Beckmen 2017 pmv syrah HR

Sep 14, 2019

2019 Summer Releases

Watch videos of wine­mak­er Steve Beck­men pre­sent­ing the four new wines released in the third quar­ter of 2019: 2018 PMV Grenache Blanc, 2017 PMV Grenache Whole Clus­ter, 2017 PMV Syrah, and 2017 Estate Caber­net Sauvignon. 

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Stolpman Estate Vineyard

Sep 10, 2019

Decanter: Ballard Canyon AVA and must try wines

Decanter is one of the old­est and most promi­nent wine pub­li­ca­tions in the world. Since they are based in the UK, it is not often our wines or vine­yards are fea­tured in their arti­cles. Thus, we were ecsta­t­ic to find not only one but three of our wines includ­ed in their recent piece Bal­lard Canyon AVA and must try wines”, writ­ten by Matthew Luczy.

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Thomas judith beckmen estate vineyard q3 2019

Sep 2, 2019

Video: 2019 Summer at our Vineyard & Winery

The most excit­ing time of year has arrived… har­vest! The 2019 har­vest began on Sep­tem­ber 13 with all our Viog­nier fruit and some of our Chardon­nay fruit; most of the grapes will be arriv­ing to the win­ery in Octo­ber and ear­ly Novem­ber. Watch this video to dis­cov­er what we’re up to dur­ing the late sum­mer months, as we begin har­vest­ing grapes for the 2019 vintage. 

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Beckmen vineyards daily tour

Aug 25, 2019

Visit California Highlights Beckmen as #1 Winery Experience

There are over 3,600 winer­ies in the state of Cal­i­for­nia. Nar­row­ing that num­ber down to a few winer­ies you can vis­it on one wine coun­try week­end get­away is a tough deci­sion, espe­cial­ly when you con­sid­er the vast array of wine vari­etals and styles pro­duced across the state. Thank­ful­ly, our friends over at Vis­it Cal­i­for­nia cre­at­ed a list of 14 Amaz­ing Cal­i­for­nia Win­ery Expe­ri­ences… and we are list­ed as the #1 choice!

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