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Wine-Searcher: Weighing Up the Value of Biodynamic Wine

There are dif­fer­ing glob­al per­spec­tives on bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing. Is it worth the trou­ble and cost of con­ver­sion”, as Vic­ki Denig pro­pos­es? Read the full arti­cle to see how Beck­men com­pares to oth­er bio­dy­nam­ic farms around the world. 

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Apr 8, 2019

Beckmen wine searcher blog
Beckmen Vineyards Steve Beckmen

Apr 2, 2019

Forbes: Talking Natural, Biodynamic Wine With Santa Barbara Pioneer Steve Beckmen

Bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing has been an intrin­sic part of Beck­men wines since we start­ed farm­ing this way in 2003. Jill Barth, Food and Drink con­trib­u­tor for Forbes, recent­ly dis­cussed this phi­los­o­phy of wine­grow­ing and oth­er nat­ur­al wine­mak­ing prac­tices with wine­mak­er Steve Beckmen.

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Beckmen 2016 pmv syrah ca grapevine

Apr 1, 2019

California Grapevine: 2016 PMV Syrah

Nick Pono­mar­eff of The Cal­i­for­nia Grapevine, the old­est con­tin­u­ous­ly pub­lished pri­vate wine newslet­ter in the U.S., recent­ly tast­ed and reviewed our 2016 Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard Syrah.

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Good life report rose season starts now

Mar 28, 2019

Good Life Report: The Real Rosé Season Starts Now

We were elat­ed to see our 2018 PMV Grenache Rosé select­ed as a rec­om­men­da­tion in the Good Life Report’s The Real Rosé Sea­son Starts Now arti­cle. Whit Cook makes a cou­ple of great points about buy­ing Rosé and we encour­age you to read his article. 

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Feb 9, 2019

2019 Winter Wine Releases

Watch videos of wine­mak­er Steve Beck­men pre­sent­ing the four new wines released in the first quar­ter of 2019: 2017 PMV Chardon­nay, 2017 Cuvee le Bec, 2017 PMV Block Eight Grenache, and 2017 PMV Clone #383 Syrah.

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Feb 1, 2019

Video: 2019 Winter at our Vineyard & Winery

Watch our wine­mak­er, Steve Beck­men, dis­cuss what keeps him and his teams busy in the win­ery and vine­yard dur­ing the win­ter months of 2019.

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Nov 10, 2018

2018 Fall Wine Releases

Watch videos of wine­mak­er Steve Beck­men pre­sent­ing the four new wines released in the fourth quar­ter of 2018: 2017 PMV Viog­nier, 2016 Cuvee le Bec, 2017 Estate Grenahce, and 2016 PMV Block Six Syrah.

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Nov 1, 2018

Video: 2018 Harvest & Winemaking Process

Learn about our 2018 har­vest and watch our wine­mak­er, Steve Beck­men, dis­cuss what keeps him and his teams busy in the win­ery and vine­yard dur­ing the fall months. Dis­cov­er our step-by-step wine­mak­ing process for craft­ing both white and red wines.

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Oct 16, 2018

Jeb Dunnuck’s 2018 Reviews

We are hon­ored to be able to share our wines every year with the wine crit­ic Jeb Dun­nuck. In 2018, we received some out­stand­ing rat­ings! Read this arti­cle to see the scores and reviews of the wines we pre­sent­ed to him on Octo­ber 152018.

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Connoisseurs Guide CA Wine

Oct 1, 2018

Connoisseurs’ Guide to California Wine: October 2018 Issue

We were hon­ored to have two of our Syrah wines recent­ly reviewed for the Con­nois­seurs’ Guide to Cal­i­for­nia Wine Octo­ber 2018 issue, and even more so to dis­cov­er they received the high­est scores out of the 46 Syrah wines they reviewed!

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Sep 15, 2018

2018 Summer Wine Releases

Learn more about the four new wines released to our Wine Club in Quar­ter 3 of 2018: 2017 PMV Sauvi­gnon Blanc, 2017 SYV Grenache, 2016 TLB, and 2016 Estate Caber­net Sauvignon. 

Watch wine­mak­er Steve Beck­men present the wines for the very first time!

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Sep 14, 2018

Antonio Galloni’s 2018 Vinous Reviews

The Sep­tem­ber reviews from Anto­nio Gal­loni, the founder of the online wine pub­li­ca­tion Vinous, have arrived! We are hon­ored to share his thoughts of our wines and their respec­tive scores.

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Sep 10, 2018

Video: 2018 Summer at our Vineyard & Winery

Late sum­mer is always an excit­ing time of year at the vine­yard and win­ery, as we begin to har­vest our 150 acres of grapevines and turn the grapes into wine. Our vine­yard crew will be hard at work, pick­ing all of the grapes by hand at night­time so the grapes can be deliv­ered to the win­ery cold, first thing in the morning.

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Aug 16, 2018

Los Angeles Times: The Judith & Thomas L. Beckmen YOLA Center

After years as lead­ers and pio­neers in the elec­tron­ic music busi­ness, Tom and Judy Beck­men estab­lished Beck­men Vine­yards in 1994. Fast for­ward 25 years and the Beck­men’s appre­ci­a­tion and inno­va­tion of music endures as they announce the unveil­ing of the Judith and Thomas L. Beck­men YOLA Cen­ter in Inglewood.

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Apr 26, 2018

2018 Spring Wine Releases

Once a quar­ter, we release four new wines. The wines are first released to our Wine Club mem­bers at a dis­count­ed rate, and then to the gen­er­al pub­lic the fol­low­ing sea­son at the full price. Shar­ing our wines for the first time after the years of hard work and ded­i­ca­tion is excit­ing, and we hope you enjoy drink­ing them as much as we enjoyed craft­ing them!

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