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The Blog

Celebrate the coming of Slow Food Nations to Colorado with some slow wine”

We were excit­ed to hear that Rich Mau­ro of the Col­orado Springs Gazette includ­ed our wines as his top Slow Wine rec­om­men­da­tions to drink in prepa­ra­tion of Slow Food Nation, Slow Wine’s high­ly antic­i­pat­ed trav­el­ling food­ie fes­ti­val, hit­ting Den­ver this July. 

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Jul 9, 2019

Colorado Springs Gazette 070919
Forbes rose

Jul 3, 2019

Forbes: American Rosé: Pink, Patriotic and Pleasing

Our 2018 Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard Grenache Rosé was just select­ed as a top Cal­i­forn­ian Rosé in the Forbes arti­cle, Amer­i­can Rosé: Pink, Patri­ot­ic and Pleas­ing! We are proud to say we have been mak­ing our Grenache Rosé since 1995 and that it plays an inte­gral part of our portfolio.

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Napa valley register logo

Jun 28, 2019

Allison Levine, Please The Palate: Beckmen’s biodynamic farming in Santa Barbara County

Dive deep­er into our bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing phi­los­o­phy and see reviews of our lat­est wine releas­es as you read Alli­son Levine’s lat­est arti­cle in the Napa Val­ley Register.

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Beckmen top25rose

May 20, 2019

VinePair: The 25 Best Rosé Wines of 2019

We are hon­ored to see our 2018 PMV Grenache Rosé select­ed as Vine­Pair’s #4 choice of The 25 Best Rosé Wines of 2019, an inter­na­tion­al list of the most mouth­wa­ter­ing Rosés in the world. Even bet­ter? We were list­ed as the top Rosé from the U.S.!

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Beckmen SFR logo

May 19, 2019

South Florida Reporter: Exploring Rosés

Tom Mar­quardt and Patrick Darr, the jour­nal­ists and wine review­ers behind More About Wine, recent­ly tast­ed our newest vin­tage of rosé. Fol­low the link below to dis­cov­er how the rosé indus­try has changed over the years and to read their review of our 2018 Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard Grenache Rosé.

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Beckmen marquardt darr

May 14, 2019

LA Times: Wine, etc.: Grenache is an underrated wine you should try

Wine crit­ics Tom Mar­quardt and Patrick Darr recent­ly wrote an arti­cle about this under­rat­ed grape, first pub­lished in the Cap­i­tal Gazette and lat­er picked up by the Los Ange­les Times. Dis­cov­er which vin­tage of Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard Grenache they includ­ed in their round-up of rec­om­mend­ed Grenache wines in Wine, etc.: Grenach is an under­rat­ed wine you should try”.

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Beckmen 2017 pmv grenache wine

May 10, 2019

2019 Spring Releases

Watch videos of wine­mak­er Steve Beck­men pre­sent­ing the four new wines released in the sec­ond quar­ter of 2019: 2018 PMV Sauvi­gnon Blanc, 2017 PMV Grenache, 2017 PMV Clone #1 Syrah, and 2017 SYV Caber­net Sauvignon.

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Beckmen nashville scene logo

May 9, 2019

California Wines Rule My World

When Chris Cham­ber­lain — not­ed drink, food, and trav­el writer for Conde Nast Trav­el­er, Food Net­work, Thril­list, and more - includ­ed our 2018 PMV Grenache Rosé and 2017 Cuvee le Bec in his Nashville Scene arti­cle, Cal­i­for­nia Wines Rule My World”, we were thrilled!

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Beckmen estate vineyard cabernet blocks lr

May 1, 2019

Video: 2019 Spring at our Vineyard & Winery

Spring is an excit­ing time at our estate vine­yards, as the vines wake up from their win­ter dor­man­cy and new growth begins to flour­ish. This year was espe­cial­ly stun­ning due to the record rain­fall San­ta Bar­bara Coun­ty received in the win­ter months, cre­at­ing lush cov­er crops and abun­dant weeds. Dis­cov­er what we’re up to in the vine­yards and win­ery this time of year in the video below.

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Beckmen slowine usa

Apr 30, 2019

Slow Wine 2019: A year in the Life of Slow Wine

We were excit­ed to be includ­ed in the USA Slow Wine Guide 2019, Slow Foods list of Amer­i­can winer­ies and vine­yards that work with respect to the envi­ron­ment and ter­roir and use tra­di­tion­al wine­mak­ing techniques. 

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Beckmen dmagazine 2019 earth day

Apr 26, 2019

DMagazine: What To Drink Now: Earth Day Wines

We are all for cel­e­brat­ing Earth Day and con­scious­ly sup­port­ing oth­er busi­ness­es who care about the envi­ron­ment. When Hay­ley Hamil­ton of Dal­las’s DMagazine includ­ed our Cuvee le Bec wine in her round up of inter­na­tion­al Earth friend­ly winer­ies to sup­port, we were thrilled to be held in such esteemed company!

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Beckmen nittany epicurean rose april 2019

Apr 17, 2019

Nittany Epicurean: 2018 PMV Grenache Rosé

Wine blog­ger Michael Chelus, the voice and palate behind Nit­tany Epi­cure­ans dai­ly wine review, recent­ly tast­ed and reviewed our new release 2018 Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard Grenache Rosé.

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Beckmen honest cooking april 2019

Apr 16, 2019

Honest Cooking: Wines Perfect for Every Type of Easter Dish

We were hon­ored when Hon­est Cook­ings Annelise Mcau­li­ffe tast­ed and reviewed our new release 2018 Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard Grenache Rosé for her East­er food and wine pair­ing arti­cle. Read on to dis­cov­er which dish was paired with our rosé!

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Palm beach illustrated beckmen 0419

Apr 10, 2019

Palm Beach Illustrated: In Search of the Rhone Rangers

Dis­cov­er how the Rhone Rangers” came to be and read reviews of our new releas­es, the 2018 Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard Grenache Rosé and 2017 Cuvee le Bec, in Mark Spi­vak’s lat­est arti­cle in Palm Beach Illus­trat­ed and Naples Illus­trat­ed.

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Beckmen vineyards 2017 cuvee le bec

Apr 8, 2019

Bigger Than Your Head: Wine of the Day

We were excit­ed to share our 2017 Cuvee le Bec with vet­er­an wine writer Fredric Koep­pel for the first time this month. He post­ed his review of our flag­ship red wine blend on his award-win­ning wine review blog Big­ger Than Your Head, Wine of the Day, No. 488.

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