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2018 Winter Wine Releases

Once a quar­ter, we release four new wines. The wines are first released to our Wine Club mem­bers at a dis­count­ed rate, and then to the gen­er­al pub­lic the fol­low­ing sea­son at the full price. Shar­ing our wines for the first time after the years of hard work and ded­i­ca­tion is excit­ing, and we hope you enjoy drink­ing them as much as we enjoyed craft­ing them!

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Feb 1, 2018


Jan 15, 2018

Video: 2018 Winter at our Vineyard & Winery

Ever won­der what hap­pens at a vine­yard dur­ing the qui­et win­ter months? Turns out, a lot! From vine­yard main­te­nance to bot­tling new wines, fol­low along with wine­mak­er Steve Beck­men as he describes what’s keep­ing him and the team busy in the win­ter months of 2018.

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Nov 21, 2017

2017 Fall Wine Releases

Once a quar­ter, we release four new wines. The wines are first released to our Wine Club mem­bers at a dis­count­ed rate, and then to the gen­er­al pub­lic the fol­low­ing sea­son at the full price. Shar­ing our wines for the first time after the years of hard work and ded­i­ca­tion is excit­ing, and we hope you enjoy drink­ing them as much as we enjoyed craft­ing them!

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Nov 8, 2017

Video: 2017 Fall Harvest

Fall is our busiest time of year, as we har­vest the grapes we’ve been care­ful­ly cul­ti­vat­ing since spring. It’s also the best time to vis­it our estate! Our tast­ing room is next to our win­ery and open crush­pad, so you’ll be able to see the grapes being hand sort­ed, wine being pressed, and all of the oth­er fall wine­mak­ing tasks.

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Sep 29, 2017

2017 Wine Advocate Reviews

The Wine Advo­cate scores are in and we could­n’t be more excit­ed! Robert Park­er’s The Wine Advo­cate just released Lisa Per­rot­ti-Brown’s reviews of a selec­tion of our wines in the Issue Inter­im End of Sep­tem­ber 2017. Read on to dis­cov­er her thoughts of our wines.

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Sep 20, 2017

Antonio Galloni’s 2017 Vinous Reviews

Steve Beckmen’s 2015 Syrahs – The wines are rich, ample and strik­ing­ly beau­ti­ful.” — Anto­nio Galloni

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Sep 30, 2016

2016 Harvest: Day 30

On Sep­tem­ber 21st, after 30 days of pro­duc­ing white and rosé wines, we start­ed our red wine pro­duc­tion with, you guessed it, Syrah! Red wine is made dif­fer­ent­ly than white or rosé wine…

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Sep 29, 2016

Antonio Galloni’s 2016 Vinous Reviews

This is a strong set of wines from Steve Beck­men. In par­tic­u­lar, I was quite impressed with the 2014 Syrahs because of their ener­gy and pre­ci­sion. The 2014 Cuvée Le Bec, the estate’s entry-lev­el red, also points to a strong vin­tage here. Slight changes in cooper­age, and less oak influ­ence over­all, have start­ed to pay dividends…”

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Sep 26, 2016

2016 Harvest: Day 28

On the 28th day of our 2016 har­vest, Sep­tem­ber 19, we pressed grenache grapes for our rosé wine. Watch as wine­mak­er Steve Beck­men explains how we make our pop­u­lar rosé wine, from har­vest­ing the grapes in the vineyard…

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Sep 26, 2016

2016 Harvest: Day 23

Sep­tem­ber 14th is the 23rd day of har­vest and a very excit­ing mile­stone for our har­vest sea­son. Today, we began pick­ing grenache grapes for our rosé wine. Up to this point, we have picked sauvi­gnon blanc, chardon­nay, and viog­nier grapes for our white wine collection…

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Sep 19, 2016

2016 Harvest: Day 15 + Day 16

Sep­tem­ber 6th and 7th are Day 15 and 16 of our har­vest sea­son, when our crew takes a break from the vine­yard to han­dle some very impor­tant tasks. First up: pack­ing the Quar­ter 3

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Sep 16, 2016

2016 Wine Advocate Reviews Are In!

The Wine Advo­cate is one of the most trust­ed and well respect­ed pub­li­ca­tions in the wine indus­try. Once a year, we sub­mit a selec­tion of wines to be reviewed and scored. The fol­low­ing wines were reviewed by Jeb Dun­nuck in the 2016 August Issue 226

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Sep 15, 2016

2016 Harvest: Day 11

Did you know that white wine is made dif­fer­ent­ly than red wine? Take a look at our 11th day of har­vest, Sep­tem­ber 2nd, as we explain the first step of craft­ing white wine…

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Sep 12, 2016

2016 Harvest: Day 8

Most white wine grapes mature ear­li­er than red wine grapes, so the begin­ning few weeks of our har­vest sea­son are ded­i­cat­ed to pick­ing and pro­cess­ing our Chardon­nay and Viog­nier grapes. On the eighth day of our 2016 har­vest, August 30th, we picked…

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Sep 7, 2016

2016 Harvest: Day 4

On the fourth day of our 2016 har­vest, August 26th, we give you a glimpse of what hap­pens in the win­ery before we decide to pick a sec­tion (known as a block) of our vineyard…

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